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Plex Movie Renaming Help (subtitles)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018, 11:11
by lokovic
Hey there!

I already looked up some forum articles etc. but right now I am more confused then before. Maybe someone here can help me. That would be great. My problem is, that I want to rename couple of files with similar names (subs). But always I do that i recieve the error "Duplicate destination path". Is there a ways to rename



to that:

This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].mkv
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].idx
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].sub
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].eng.sub
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].eng.sub.idx
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].forced.sub
This Movie (1999) [1080p, mkv].forced.sub.idx

At the moment I use this for renaming: F:/{plex.derive {" [$vf, $vc, $cf, $ac, $channels]"}}
Puting all the subs in the Movie File itself would be the best way, but that qould crash my HDD I assume and will take much to long.

If you have any questions or need some more explenations let me know.

Best regards :)

Re: Plex Movie Renaming Help (subtitles)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018, 17:27
by rednoah
You just need to make sure that your custom format yields a unique destination path for each unique file.

Preserving bits and pieces from the unique original name should ensure that the destination path is unique as well:

Code: Select all


Re: Plex Movie Renaming Help (subtitles)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018, 19:43
by lokovic
Thanks for the reply. Can you also tell me where to put it in my actual setting? I already tried it almost everywhere, but it still gives me this destination path error.

Re: Plex Movie Renaming Help (subtitles)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018, 02:21
by rednoah
What have you tried so far? Please include screenshots:

Using a custom format such as this should do the job:

Code: Select all


{fn.match(/forced/)} is just one example. You may want to keep parts other than "forced" to make the destination path unique. Your current subtitle naming is bad and inconsistent so you don't want to keep that. How you make the destination path unique is up to your preferences though. You'll need to figure that out by playing with it and trial and error. I can only help here if you post lots of screenshots of what you're doing and what you're seeing.

Re: Plex Movie Renaming Help (subtitles)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018, 14:43
by lokovic
Works now for me. Thank you so much!