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Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 21 May 2018, 03:46
by placebo

I am interested in your Ubuntu Linux version of Filebot, but from what I have read on the forums it sounds like it won't be available for download/install until a quota is met on Patreon which I don't mind contributing to. However, in the meantime, I would like to utilize the Windows version while I wait. Would this mean I would have to pay for a second license?

I am looking on the forums for something explaining how your licensing works but haven't run across it yet.

Thanks and looking forward to using your product.


Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 21 May 2018, 04:08
by rednoah
Every Store is different, and I don't do licensing in any way, and thus have no control of that either.

Windows Store / Mac App Store licenses are not transferable. If you support the Patreon then that support goes towards a freely available Ubuntu release, i.e. the Ubuntu Store version can't not be free (und thus not require a license) because the Ubuntu Store doesn't support paid applications in the first place.

If you want the DEB packages, you should definitely subscribe to the Patreon though, because I plan on posting links to release files on Patreon only. Ubuntu Store can't not be public anyway and it's technically impossible to make it available to Patreon supporters only.

Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 22 May 2018, 02:35
by placebo
On the Patreon site, the end of Note #4 states:

"[A] $1 pledge on Patreon cannot entitle you to a personal FileBot license ($20 on the Windows / Mac App Store) or a custom build ($50 and up)"

Does this mean that with a 20 dollar pledge I am entitled to a Windows (or Mac) license and with a 50 dollar pledge I am entitled to a custom build?


Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 22 May 2018, 05:18
by rednoah
Since the Ubuntu Store doesn't support paid applications, there is no $20 purchase option such as on the Windows Store and Mac App Store.

The $50 option is more for Windows 7 / Windows Server users that can't use the Windows Store and still want a unsupported custom builds. For Linux, I could do similar unsupported custom builds, but the last guy couldn't get it working, so I'm not keen on selling something that hasn't really been tested.

If you have a strong technical background I could just give you build though, for testing and making it work.

Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 22 May 2018, 06:12
by placebo
Ok. I guess the real question is (1) do you have a version that runs on linux and (2) if so, what do I need to do to use it?

Also, I am familiar with building projects from source.

Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 22 May 2018, 08:06
by rednoah
I can share you build, but it might not work as there's lots of untested changes.

If you could test things and make it work, that would be interesting to me.

On mobile now. Send me a PM later to remind me.

PS: this thread is related: viewtopic.php?t=5934

Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 25 May 2018, 02:13
by placebo
Hey thanks for extending that offer. I went ahead and purchased the windows version. I realized that as much as I would enjoy exploring the source, I just don't have time to take on any new tasks. Especially when you already have a version that runs. If you ever get a deb, I'll probably switch.

Thanks again!

Re: Settle for Windows but really want Ubuntu

Posted: 25 May 2018, 07:11
by rednoah
Sure. Please subscribe to the Patreon to get the latest updates regarding FileBot for Linux news.