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AMC misidentifies 60 Minutes as a movie

Posted: 21 Apr 2013, 22:56
by sleepybear

Just started tinkering with amc and FileBot. As a test case I've been using the following CLI to launch the script from Transmission:

Code: Select all

/Applications/ -script fn:amc --output "$TR_TORRENT_DIR" --log-file amc.log --action copy --conflict fail -non-strict --def artwork=n --def music=n --def subtitles=n --def pushover=[removed] "ut_dir=$TR_TORRENT_DIR/$TR_TORRENT_NAME" "ut_kind=multi" "ut_title=$TR_TORRENT_NAME"
The torrent name is:


amc sees this as a movie:

Code: Select all

Parameter: artwork = n
Parameter: music = n
Parameter: subtitles = n
Parameter: pushover = [removed]
Parameter: ut_dir = /Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA
Parameter: ut_kind = multi
Parameter: ut_title = 60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA
Read archive [] to [/Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA/]
Extracting files [/Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA/]
Input: /Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA/
Group: [mov:47 Ronin (2013)] => [60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA.mp4]
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [/Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA/]
Failed to write xattr:;
[COPY] Rename [/Users/ron/Downloads/60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA/] to [/Users/ron/Downloads/Movies/47 Ronin (2013)/47 Ronin (2013).mp4]
Processed 1 files
Sending Pushover notification
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
47 Ronin, for whatever reason.

I've tested adding "ut_label=TV" to the CLI to force TV, same result.

Any help would be awesome. Thank you!

Re: AMC misidentifies 60 Minutes as a movie

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 04:18
by rednoah
Seems to work for me:

Code: Select all

Parameter: ut_kind = multi
Parameter: ut_dir = D:\testdata\AMC-TEST
Parameter: ut_title = AMC-TEST
Input: D:\testdata\AMC-TEST\60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA.avi
Input: D:\testdata\AMC-TEST\Mar.adentro.2004.720p.HDTV.x264-HBHD.mkv
Mar.adentro.2004.720p.HDTV.x264-HBHD.mkv [series: Mar, movie: The Sea Inside (2004)]
Exclude Series: Mar
Group: [tvs:60 Minutes] => [60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA.avi]
Group: [tvs:null, mov:The Sea Inside (2004), anime:null] => [Mar.adentro.2004.720p.HDTV.x264-HBHD.mkv]
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [60 Minutes, 60 Minutes AU]
Fetching episode data for [60 Minutes]
Fetching episode data for [30 Minutes]
Fetching episode data for [40 Minutes]
Fetching episode data for [60 Minutes Sports]
Fetching episode data for [60 Minutes Australia]
[COPY] Rename [D:\testdata\AMC-TEST\60.Minutes.AU.2013.04.14.PDTV.x264-RTA.avi] to [D:\output\TV Shows\60 Minutes Australia\Season 2013\60 Minutes Australia - S2013E10 - 2013-04-14.avi]
Processed 1 files
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [D:\testdata\AMC-TEST\Mar.adentro.2004.720p.HDTV.x264-HBHD.mkv]
[COPY] Rename [D:\testdata\AMC-TEST\Mar.adentro.2004.720p.HDTV.x264-HBHD.mkv] to [D:\output\Movies\The Sea Inside (2004)\The Sea Inside (2004).mkv]
Processed 1 files
Try again with r1615 filebot/amc.

Re: AMC misidentifies 60 Minutes as a movie

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 04:49
by sleepybear
Was using r1600 on OS X. Swapped out the .jar with r1615 and presto.

Thank you!

Re: AMC misidentifies 60 Minutes as a movie

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 05:12
by sleepybear
By the way, I have to compliment you on the AMC script. It's rock solid and extremely customizable from the CL.

Thanks again, great work.