Search found 102 matches

by ChefGregS
12 Jun 2024, 06:15
Forum: Scripting and Automation
Topic: Using a csv file for lists
Replies: 1
Views: 1365

Using a csv file for lists

Red, you helped me long ago set up the code to read a file and make changes to movie ratings. The code is: {any{csv('S:/replacecert1.csv').get(certification)}{certification}{"NR"} } Inside that file I have this list: UNRATED;NR Not Rated;NR NOT RATED;NR APPROVED;NR N A;NR N R;NR ;NR And it...
by ChefGregS
07 May 2024, 18:21
Forum: Windows
Topic: Limit episode season year to 1 year (or 2) maybe
Replies: 2
Views: 2026

Re: Limit episode season year to 1 year (or 2) maybe

rednoah wrote: 07 May 2024, 13:32 e.g. first and last season year:

Format: Select all

{ sy.bounds().joining('-', ' [', ']') }
That's exactly what I needed. Thank you!

by ChefGregS
07 May 2024, 11:37
Forum: Windows
Topic: Limit episode season year to 1 year (or 2) maybe
Replies: 2
Views: 2026

Limit episode season year to 1 year (or 2) maybe

I use the code: any{"Season $s [$sy]" } to add the season number and the year(s) of that season. This normally works just fine as MOST shows seasons are in the same year or over 2 years. EX: Season 1 [1992, 1993] However, I have a couple shows that for whatever reason pull sometimes up to ...
by ChefGregS
13 Mar 2024, 23:48
Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
Topic: Feature request: SRT files
Replies: 43
Views: 32663

Re: Feature request: SRT files

I love this topic. LOL I am sure there is some very simple way to do what I want. Maybe a text file read from the Format line... I got my FB to fix the SDH issue. {subt} {fn =~ /eng-SDH/ ? null : { fn =~ /sdh/ ? '-SDH' : null }} So if the files are badly named (99% of all files are named in a very b...
by ChefGregS
13 Jan 2024, 23:29
Forum: Help and Support
Topic: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

Re: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly

No worries. If you ever run into some issue like that again, then we can investigate. You can always press F6 to open the details view and check the Episode object metadata that FileBot is working with internally. Thanks!! That is awesome information to know.. I do fall into some odd things at time...
by ChefGregS
12 Jan 2024, 19:08
Forum: Help and Support
Topic: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

Re: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly

I have no clue why I saw what I saw. I know they are not that way in the db of thetvdb. Which is why I was so confused originally. And while I took the picture of it with IMDB I really did try it with all the db's. And all were the same. But, no matter what happened (maybe I was actually asleep...lo...
by ChefGregS
12 Jan 2024, 09:54
Forum: Help and Support
Topic: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

Re: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly

OMG...I would swear on a stack of Bibles that I had been doing thetvdb the entire time. While I did TRY the other options to see if they fixed the issue...I always went back to thetvdb... Yet, I just loaded it up and tried again, and as you showed, it's fine. WTF!!!??? sec.. I just not...
by ChefGregS
12 Jan 2024, 07:28
Forum: Help and Support
Topic: TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

TV series HOTEL won't name episodes correctly

So I have been doing some extensive fixing of site on the series HOTEL (1982-1988) and after tons of research, I have gotten the episodes in the correct airdate order. I have also been working on posters and descriptions of the episodes. I last worked on the series on December 31. Season...
by ChefGregS
03 Jan 2024, 17:52
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: .srt file handling
Replies: 4
Views: 2049

Re: .srt file handling

And so on. You will want to collect lots of subtitle files that represent all the various corner cases, and the prototype your format with rapid trial & error testing. you can write your own code to interpret the original subtitle file name and then produce the desired target subtitle file name...
by ChefGregS
03 Jan 2024, 17:48
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: .srt file handling
Replies: 4
Views: 2049

Re: .srt file handling

Thank you so much red... You know, I have this so much harder in my head than it is...then you post the example and it makes so much sense. So many times I read your replies and think, I honestly should have thought of that. I have read so many examples of things and look at how to put things togeth...
by ChefGregS
03 Jan 2024, 16:39
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: .srt file handling
Replies: 4
Views: 2049

.srt file handling

I wish that someone would come up with a standard format for naming these types of files but apparently, that is never going to happen. So I have a question to hopefully save me, well, I already have no hair to pull (lol). How can I take all these various naming formats and make them so the...
by ChefGregS
30 Dec 2023, 13:29
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: 3D in file name seems to get ignored
Replies: 6
Views: 1909

Re: 3D in file name seems to get ignored

That does make a lot more sense and more like I remember coding 40 years ago...thank you!
by ChefGregS
29 Dec 2023, 15:56
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: 3D in file name seems to get ignored
Replies: 6
Views: 1909

Re: 3D in file name seems to get ignored

Using my code how would I have it search n and fn? Or any 2 variables for that matter? I can think of a few things I may like to use that for. This example (where to put the file) is a great example of one way I'd like to use it. So it should check both to see if the word is found, and if so set the...
by ChefGregS
29 Dec 2023, 15:22
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: 3D in file name seems to get ignored
Replies: 6
Views: 1909

Re: 3D in file name seems to get ignored

Ok...doh! Yes, I am using movie mode. And I didn't think about fn. I mean, just because the fn stands for File Name, why would I possibly think of using that? LOL!!!! That, of course, solved the problem. The funny thing is that I even have the page open that shows me all the attributes and their val...
by ChefGregS
29 Dec 2023, 07:17
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: 3D in file name seems to get ignored
Replies: 6
Views: 1909

3D in file name seems to get ignored

Doing some testing. I have a file named: Spider-Man (2018) 3D - Into the Spider-Verse And I am testing this expression: {n =~ 'P90X' ? 'M:/Workouts' : n =~ '3D' ? 'Y:/test crap' : n =~ 'X-Rated' ? 'M:/Movies P' : 'M:/Movies/'} In this the new name is always going to M:/Movies However, if I switch th...
by ChefGregS
19 Dec 2023, 09:13
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: Naming TV series with an OR option
Replies: 2
Views: 1248

Re: Naming TV series with an OR option

FYI: That code worked. As I read it it made total sense. The second part is just another OR. So if the first, use it, else if the second use it, else use the last. So simple. Thank you. the series I am working with is The Way of the Master. The Christian series with Ray Comfort and Kirk Camer...
by ChefGregS
18 Dec 2023, 02:15
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: Naming TV series with an OR option
Replies: 2
Views: 1248

Naming TV series with an OR option

I think the subject says what I want to do but this example should make more sense (lol.) ISSUE: I am naming a series that doesn't have series dates listed. So every time I try to rename it It wants to name every episode as a SPECIAL. Here is my current code: M:/TV II/{n.upperInitial().colon(' - ')....
by ChefGregS
04 Dec 2023, 07:15
Forum: Windows
Topic: Movie Formats - Can they be removed?
Replies: 4
Views: 1219

Re: Movie Formats - Can they be removed?

:idea: If you are talking about the action.paste Recent Formats feature in the Format Editor, then that will always show the most recently confirmed formats. It'll remember the most recent 8 formats for each format type. There is no (easy) way to remove selected recent format items. You can only re...
by ChefGregS
04 Dec 2023, 06:12
Forum: Windows
Topic: Movie Formats - Can they be removed?
Replies: 4
Views: 1219

Re: Movie Formats - Can they be removed?

Sorry, I should have been more clear. The actual naming format. For example, one of mine: {n =~ 'P90X' ? 'M:/Workouts' : n =~ 'X-Rated' ? 'M:/Movies P' : vf == /2160p/ ? 'N:/Movies 4K' : vf == /1440p/ ? 'N:/Movies 2K' : vf =~ /1080p|720p/ ? 'S:/HD Movies 2' : 'M:/Movies'}/{n.upperInitial().colon(' -...
by ChefGregS
04 Dec 2023, 04:29
Forum: Windows
Topic: Movie Formats - Can they be removed?
Replies: 4
Views: 1219

Movie Formats - Can they be removed?

I have made some changes to the movie formats that I use. Can I delete the old ones that I no longer use so they don't show up in the list anymore? I require (currently) 4 different formats so different drives can be used when I need them. I made some changes that didn't work and once I figured out ...
by ChefGregS
28 Nov 2023, 01:26
Forum: Windows
Topic: Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....
Replies: 1
Views: 904

Re: Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....

Well, I found my own answer but I figured I'd reply and share it for others. The drives involved all happen to be USB external drives. That was clue 1. While I could open them, and look through folders and such, I could NOT open anything in those drives. A link in there would open if it pointed to a...
by ChefGregS
27 Nov 2023, 23:40
Forum: Windows
Topic: Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....
Replies: 1
Views: 904

Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....

Hey Rednoah, I am adding a lot of new files to my system. Mostly 4K versions of my movies. I have done about 130 so far today and with 40 left this error happened: MOVE: S:\Transformers (2007) 4K\Transformers.2007 4K.mkv -> Y:\Movies 4K II\Transformers (2007)\Transformers [2007, PG-13, 143 Min] [Shi...
by ChefGregS
16 May 2023, 16:27
Forum: Windows
Topic: Re-Installing Filebot
Replies: 1
Views: 969

Re-Installing Filebot

So once again I find myself with a (Thanks windows update) catastrophic system crash that results in a full re-install of windows. So once again I find myself losing everything (yeah yeah, I know..back ups...well, those only go so far...) including my beloved FileBot. An app I find I can't live with...
by ChefGregS
03 May 2022, 04:53
Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
Topic: Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)
Replies: 4
Views: 4010

Re: Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)

The double click -> Edit match just helped me a great deal. Fixed what I was about to post about. However, let me still tell you what happened that then caused my issue of 10 movies all showing up as the same movie (part 1, part 2, part .... 9) I dropped a folder (A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, 2, 3, ...
by ChefGregS
20 Aug 2021, 05:03
Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
Topic: Naming scheme lists and removing schemes
Replies: 2
Views: 7272

Re: Naming scheme lists and removing schemes

Ok...can't delete old non used ones...gotcha. But I like the presets...I'll start using those! :)
