Search found 102 matches
- 13 Mar 2018, 17:41
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: {expression} help
- Replies: 33
- Views: 16253
Re: Learn how {expressions} work and useful Helper Functions
Hey, just a heads up, this didn't work: {vf == /2160p/ ? 'Movies 4K' : vf == /1080p|720p/ ? 'Movies HD' : 'Movies'} But, I simply did this: {vf == /2160p/ ? 'Movies 4K' : vf == /720p/ ? 'Movies HD' : vf == /1080p/ ? 'Movies HD' : 'Movies'} and it works beautifully! I'm guessing the | is the same as ...
- 13 Mar 2018, 04:55
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: {expression} help
- Replies: 33
- Views: 16253
Re: Learn how {expressions} work and useful Helper Functions
Ahh..thanks as always.. That makes sense with the <> info.. And yes, I know the issue with 720 movies.. irritates the heck out of me and some I end up re-encoding myself to fix those issues. I keep forgetting that I can have more than one file folder associated with a Library. I didn't want to add a...
- 13 Mar 2018, 02:17
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: {expression} help
- Replies: 33
- Views: 16253
Re: Learn how {expressions} work and useful Helper Functions
I've been studying the various threads with expressions and other people's code and learning a lot. The code you gave me for my folder issue makes total sense and I understand what each part does. So while using this: {vf == /2160p/ ? 'Movies 4K' : 'Movies'} What if I wish to check multiple resoluti...
- 12 Mar 2018, 17:23
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: GUI's of Filebot
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5446
Re: GUI's of Filebot
Works great...thank you!
- 12 Mar 2018, 17:06
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5744
Re: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
WEll, that explains why I can't get INFO on the version from the store... meaning install location. That said, when I run the ones out of the folder they are telling me they are the current version that the store says I have.. I'll do a full uninstall and see if I have to reinstall from the store......
- 12 Mar 2018, 00:28
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: GUI's of Filebot
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5446
GUI's of Filebot
I notice that when I run FileBot from it's folder instead of from the start menu a couple of the exe's have a different GUI. Curious why this is? I actually like the alternate GUI look rather than then general one. I know I c...
- 12 Mar 2018, 00:26
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5744
Re: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
1. You can press F5 twice to see FileBot sysinfo output. The Windows Store itself should also have a list of software and version numbers you have installed. The Windows Store does auto-update FileBot automatically (unless you have explicitly disabled auto-updates) so you'll always be running the l...
- 11 Mar 2018, 04:48
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5744
Re: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
I think you nailed it... Which brings me this question... how do I upgrade my version to the newest one? Since I bought it. I am not seeing any option to upgrade? Also, should I maybe do a complete uninstall and wipe everything and then reinstall to make sure it doesn't happen again for any reason? ...
- 11 Mar 2018, 04:43
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: How about sharing our format expressions?
- Replies: 34
- Views: 528299
Re: How about sharing our format expressions?
I keep this post updated as I fine-tune and update my formats. This latest update is on: 18 January 2019 Here are my formats for Movies and TV Shows. I currently use another app for renaming music files but if I ever change to Filebot for those I'll post mine for that as well. MOVIES {vf == /2160p/ ...
- 11 Mar 2018, 02:56
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5744
Re: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
I am almost done fixing them now...and I WILL be sharing as soon as I am. I have NO CLUE what happened. I used Filebot on Monday. It was just fine. The ONLY thing I have done since then was uninstall Mcafee. Now, filebot is back to where it was months ago! Logs only go to then and I have to update t...
- 11 Mar 2018, 01:37
- Forum: Anything and Everything else
- Topic: Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5744
Interesting development or Don't Wait To LONG!!!!
Doing some major networking work on my system. To eliminate a potential problem I had to uninstall my paid for Mcafee Total Protection. Turning it off wasn't enough to figure out if it was the issue or not. It wasn't...but of course, I didn't know this until after about 18 hours of other work was do...
- 16 Jan 2018, 23:56
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: Put S00 files into Specials folder
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2513
Re: Put S00 files into Specials folder
Once again, thank you!!! Worked like a charm. And as I look at it, makes perfect sense.
- 16 Jan 2018, 19:33
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: Put S00 files into Specials folder
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2513
Put S00 files into Specials folder
I am sure there is some simple Boolean logic to do this but I am apparently not hitting it right. Here is what I have: M:/TV Series/{n.upperInitial().colon(' -').replace('?', '!') }/{'Season '+s} {sy}/{n.upperInitial().colon(' -').replace('?', '!') } - {s00e00} - [{airdate}] - {t.colon(" - &quo...
- 08 Jan 2018, 04:24
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: [Request] Order Select
- Replies: 15
- Views: 12044
Re: [Request] Order Select
Well, in my post the show didn't matter at all. I was posting a feature request. As for the show, once again, I simply renamed all the files manually. Sucks, but it's about the 4th time I have done it (had a spell of hard drive crashes.. ugh!..hehe) Thanks much Rednoah... and you are welcome. With s...
- 06 Jan 2018, 05:01
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: [Request] Order Select
- Replies: 15
- Views: 12044
Re: [Request] Order Select
Ok...I see this was from 5 years ago, but I am needing to change the order I need it to do a few of my series. Using thetvdb site I normally am fine with their ordering. However, some of the things they do really irritate me and of course, they feel they are GODS so their way is the correct way to o...
- 02 Sep 2017, 18:13
- Forum: Scripting and Automation
- Topic: omdb response error code 401
- Replies: 19
- Views: 11869
Re: omdb response error code 401
Filebot omdb key is working just fine on my end, so if you are having issues with omdb then it's something only on your end making it not work. Well, I have changed NOTHING on my end. It worked, then it didn't work. The day it stopped working I saw that they went private and changed their keys. Gre...
- 26 Jul 2017, 07:29
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
This is so beyond frustrating... So, it worked for 1 file...and then stopped again.. Same as before. Same filebot info also. It just spins for a long time then gives the error. I have run ALL the .exe files. Filebot.exe, Filebot.launcher.exe, Filebot.platform.launcher.exe. None of them will work.. E...
- 26 Jul 2017, 07:10
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: OMDb now requires a personal API key in order to fetch names
- Replies: 22
- Views: 18478
Re: OMDb now requires a personal API key in order to fetch names
Check out Sitelutions for your hosting needs. I have used them for 13 years now and the package I have offers Unlimited EVERYTHING. Unlimited bandwidth, space, domains, etc, etc, etc.... It's nice because the cost is insanely low and I am able to sell space to friends for a couple bucks a month and ...
- 26 Jul 2017, 06:59
- Forum: Scripting and Automation
- Topic: omdb response error code 401
- Replies: 19
- Views: 11869
Re: omdb response error code 401
OMDB has gone private...and apparently the Filebot key no longer works. That's what THEY say anyway. That said, I have to agree that OMDB is WAY more reliable than TMDB on MANY movies. I use both but mostly TMDB. There are many movies though that TMDB does NOT show date, rating, and time. When that ...
- 24 Jul 2017, 02:46
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Error log
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1967
Error log
After finding that Filebot was living (different versions) in 3 places on my computer (no clue why...I have ONLY EVER installed into P:\Program Files\FileBot) Anyway, I did a full uninstall and deleted all the other versions and all associated files. One thing I never found was the actual ERROR LOG ...
- 24 Jul 2017, 02:02
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
As I looked at that information I got to thinking..... So, I took a shot and installed the 32 bit version of JAVA. Problem is fixed now. Apparently when I upgraded my system software a few days ago it upgraded the 64 bit version of Java and deleted the 32 bit version.. Never done that before, but ap...
- 23 Jul 2017, 23:36
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
Filebot -version FileBot 4.7.9 (r4984) / Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_141 / Windows 10 10.0 (x86) Filebot -script fn:sysinfo FileBot 4.7.9 (r4984) JNA Native: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native library (com/sun/jna/win32-x86/jnidispatch.dll) not found in resource path ([file:/P:/Program...
- 22 Jul 2017, 21:10
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
1. Q: Where does FileBot store it's application data files? Where is the rename history? Where are the logs? The default location for application data is %APP_DATA% on Windows and $HOME on Mac and Linux. e.g. Mac App Store: $HOME/Library/Containers/net.filebot.FileBot/Data/Library/Application Suppo...
- 22 Jul 2017, 04:04
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
It seems to work for me. What exactly are you doing? Are you using TheMovieDB? Can we have a screenshot please? Or at least one example filename that doesn't work? Have you had a look at the logs? Correction, Almost 6,000 files renamed since 3/29/ pretty sure I know how to make this work cor...
- 21 Jul 2017, 20:01
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Won't match movies at all.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 8868
Re: Won't match movies at all.
Movies are not working for me on 4.7.9. TV shows work just fine. Movies simply do nothing....there is no error so no reason to show a screen shot. Nothing to see. Just spins for a while and then nothing. I have done over 3000 movies with no problem so this is NOT anything I am doing wrong. For me it...