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TV Episodes not going to specificed Destination folder

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 03:44
by 007craft
Ok Ill try to make this as clear as I can.

I have a bit torrent client, Vuze. Once Vuze finishes downloading a torrent, it runs a .bat. Here is the contents of the .bat file:

Code: Select all

chdir /d C:\Programs\FileBot\

C:\Programs\FileBot\filebot -script fn:amc -non-strict "f:/f downloads" --def movieFormat=@C:\Programs\FileBot\MovieFormat.groovy --def SeriesFormat=@C:\Programs\FileBot\TVFormat.groovy --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=amc.txt
This of course gets Filebot to run over CLI. For movies it pulls from movieformat.groovy and for TV shows it pulls from TVformat.groovy.

Below are my 2 groovey scripts.


Code: Select all

F:/F Downloads/{n}/Season {s}/{n} - {t} {n} ({y}) - [{vf}{'.'+source}.{vc}.{ import java.math.RoundingMode
  import net.filebot.Language
  audio.collect {
    def au = it
    def channels = any{ au['ChannelPositions/String2'] }{ au['Channel(s)_Original'] }{ au['Channel(s)'] } 
    def ch = channels.tokenize('\\/')*.toDouble().inject(0, { a, b -> a + b }).findAll { it > 0 }
                     .max().toBigDecimal().setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toString()
    def codec = any{ au['CodecID/Hint'] }{ au['Format'] }.replaceAll(/['`´‘’ʻ\p{Punct}\p{Space}]/, '')
    return [ch, codec]
  }*.join(" ").join(", ") }{'.'+hdr}.{n.findMatch(group) ? null : group}]

Code: Select all

F:/F Downloads/{movie}/{movie} {n} ({y}) - [{vf}{'.'+source}.{vc}.{ import java.math.RoundingMode
  import net.filebot.Language
  audio.collect {
    def au = it
    def channels = any{ au['ChannelPositions/String2'] }{ au['Channel(s)_Original'] }{ au['Channel(s)'] } 
    def ch = channels.tokenize('\\/')*.toDouble().inject(0, { a, b -> a + b }).findAll { it > 0 }
                     .max().toBigDecimal().setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toString()
    def codec = any{ au['CodecID/Hint'] }{ au['Format'] }.replaceAll(/['`´‘’ʻ\p{Punct}\p{Space}]/, '')
    return [ch, codec]
  }*.join(" ").join(", ") }{'.'+hdr}.{n.findMatch(group) ? null : group}]
When a Movie is renamed, it works just fine, placing the movie in F:\F downloads\*Movie folder*\Movie name

When a TV series is renamed however, it seems to be creating some folder called "TV Shows" within the folder it finds the original file. I don't recall telling it to do that anywhere.

So what I want is:

F:\F downloads\TV Series folder\Season\Episode name

Instead I am getting:

F:\F downloads\Original filename folder\TV Shows\TV Series folder\Season\Episode name

How do I prevent this? My groovey script tells it to place it right in F:\F downloads\ but instead it keeps it in its original folder and then just makes an additional folder.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Re: TV Episodes not going to specificed Destination folder

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 08:47
by rednoah
Letter case does matter. --def SeriesFormat has no effect whatsoever because you're not setting --def seriesFormat which defaults to the {plex} format.

:arrow: See Change how files will be organized and renamed for details:

Re: TV Episodes not going to specificed Destination folder

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 00:01
by 007craft
Thank you, its working now!