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Formatters for programmers

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 16:58
by thielj
Since it took me a while to acquire the necessary Groovy and FileBot knowledge, I thought I would post my format scripts here. They ended up very different than the bindings you will see in most scripts, but should make it much simpler to add more complex processing.

I'll start with the movie formatter which should be useful for everyone collecting and watching films in multiple languages. It tags movie folders with uppercase audio languages and lowercase subtitle languages. It also uses the original title in the folder name if it is in latin script.

Code: Select all

  // FileBot Movie Formatter v20171120 
  // see
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  import groovy.transform.*
  import net.filebot.Language
  import net.filebot.Logging

  def movie = MyMovie.create(binding).toString()
  return allOf{"Movies/"}{movie}{".CD${pi}"}{subt} .join();

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  class MyMovie
    private static final Map LANGUAGE_MAP          = [
      'en' : null,                      // first entry should be the same language we use for database lookups
      'de' : "Umlauts",                 // other entries are languages we like to keep the original titles
      'fr' : null                       // map values are (optional) custom transliterators to ASCII filenames

    // This should cover the usual English, German and French variants
    private static final String RE_SORTNAME        = /(?i)^((?:the|a|an|der|die|das|la|le|les)\b|l')\s*(.+)\s*$/;

    // no need to tag folders or files with these
    private static final Map CODEC_DISPLAY_MAP     = [
        'xvid': null, 'divx': null, 'avc': null, 'x264': null,
        'hevc': "x265",
        'mp3': null, 'aac': null
    private static final Map CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MAP   = [
      '1.0': null, '2.0': null,
      '6.0': "5.1"

    // TODO: see source/net/filebot/media/ and eliminate whatever Filebot already supports
    private static final String RE_TAGS            = /(?i)\b(unrated|extended|remastered|uncensored|special[ ._-]edition|imax)\b/;
    private static final String RE_SOURCE          = /(?i)\b(hdtv|dvbt|pdtv|r5|ts|ld|dvdscr|svcd|dubbed)\b/;
    private static final String RE_HIDE_SOURCE     = /(?i)web-dl|webrip|bluray|brrip|xyz/

    // Pattern we used to mark hardcoded subs, e.g. zz-hard zzz.hard zz_hard zz(hard)
    private static final String RE_HARDSUBS        = /(?i)\b[a-z]{2,3}(?=[-(._]hard\)?)\b/

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO: see filetypes supported by Filebot - maybe even get them at runtime: source/net/filebot/
    // TODO: it would be much easier if the {model} entries had a FileType=VIDEO|AUDIO|TEXT property
    private static final String RE_AUDIO_EXT       = /(?i)^mp3|m4a|dts|ac3|wav|ogg$/
    private static final String RE_TEXT_EXT        = /(?i)^ass|psb|srt|ssa|ssf|sub$/

    // VobSub lang extraction
    private static final String RE_IDX_LANG        = /(?im)(?<=^id: )[a-z]+/;

    // TODO: ICU60+ has de-ASCII conversion?
    private static final String UNIDECODE          = "Any-Latin; NFKD; NFC; Latin-ASCII";

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static MyMovie instance = null;
    static MyMovie create(binding)
      if( instance?.completeName !=
        instance = new MyMovie(binding);

      def indent = " " * ( binding.type.size() +2 );
      def mime   = getit({binding.self.mime},[]).join('/');
      log("${indent}<> \"${binding.self.f}\" [$mime]")

      return instance;

    private final Object binding;

    final String   completeName;
    final Language primaryLanguage;

    private MyMovie(binding)
      this.binding = binding;
      this.completeName = media.completeName;
      this.primaryLanguage = guessPrimaryLanguage();

      log("=== ${type} \"${media.completeName}\" [$mimeType]" );

    // try to guess the primary language of the movie, in case we have audio tracks with no language information
    private Language guessPrimaryLanguage()
      def dbSpokenLang = languages?:[];
      if (1 == dbSpokenLang.size())
        return dbSpokenLang[0];                         // single spoken language from movie DB
        return findLanguage(info?.OriginalLanguage);    // prduction language from the movie DB, not necessarily spoken

    private String getMimeType()
      return getit{media.InternetMediaType} ?: "???/???";

    private static Object getit(Closure c, Object defaultValue = null)
      try { return c() }
      catch (all) {}
      return defaultValue

    def propertyMissing(String name)
      try { return binding[name] }
      catch (net.filebot.format.BindingException be) {}
      catch (all) { log("propertyMissing: $name: " + all) }
      return null

    // hijacking FileBot's log file...
    private static void log(it)
      Logging.log.fine( it )

    String toString()
      return allOf{"($sortFolder)"}{folderName}{fileName}
        .collect{ normalizeFileName(it) }

    private static String normalizeFileName(String it)
          .tr("*`|/\\", "x'---")                // replace some dangerous characters
          .replaceAll(/(?<=\d)[:](?=\d)/, ".")  // replace e.g. 12:00 with 12.00
          .replaceAll(/[:]/, " -")              // replace all colons
          .removeAll(/[?]/)                     // remove some dangerous characters
          .after(/^[.,]+/)                      // avoid file and foldernames starting with a dot (== hidden on some systems)
          // TODO: normalize whitespace

    // Language from ISO539-2 code, recognizing deprecated identifiers
    private static Language findLanguage(String it)
        return Language.findLanguage( ISO639_2_MAP.get(it, it) );
      catch( all )
        log( "findLanguage: ${all.inspect()}");
        return null;

    private static final ISO639_2_MAP = [ 'iw' : 'he', 'ji' : 'yi', 'in' : 'id' ]; // map deprecated ISO639-2 identifier

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // helper class to enumerate embedded and external streams

    enum StreamType{ AUDIO, TEXT, HARD }

    class Stream {  //...implements Comparable //int compareTo(Object other) { lang.ISO2 <=> other.lang.ISO2 }
        final StreamType  type
        final Language    lang
        Stream(StreamType t, Language l) { type=t; lang=l; log() }
        Stream(StreamType t, Locale l)   { type=t; lang=Language.getLanguage(l); log() }
        Stream(StreamType t, String l)   { type=t; lang=MyMovie.findLanguage(l); log() }
        void log() { MyMovie.log("  Stream type=$type lang=$lang"); }
        boolean equals(Object other)     { lang?.ISO2 == other.lang?.ISO2 }
        String toString() {
           switch (type) {
             case StreamType.AUDIO: return lang?.ISO2?.upper() ?: "UN";
             case StreamType.TEXT:  return lang?.ISO2          ?: "un";
             case StreamType.HARD:  return lang ? lang.ISO2+"-hard" : "un-hard";
             default: break;
           return null;

    List getStreams()
      List<Stream> streams = [];

      // Embedded audio streams, provided by mediainfo
      // TODO: access mediainfo data and find the first 'default' audio track, if available?
      streams += (audioLanguages?:[]) .collect{
                   new Stream( StreamType.AUDIO, it )

      // if no other information available, assume the default audio stream is in the primary language
      if( ! streams && primaryLanguage ) streams += [
                   new Stream( StreamType.AUDIO, primaryLanguage)

      // External audio streams
      streams += model.findAll{it.ext =~ RE_AUDIO_EXT} .collect{
                   new Stream( StreamType.AUDIO, (Language) it.lang )

      // Embedded text/subtitle streams, provided by mediainfo
      streams += (textLanguages?:[]) .collect{
                   new Stream( StreamType.TEXT, it )

      // External VobSub titles (.idx and .sub) supporting multiple languages
      streams += model.findAll{it.ext=='idx'} .collectMany{
                 } .collect{
                   new Stream( StreamType.TEXT, it )

      // External text/subtitle streams
      model.findAll{it.ext =~ RE_TEXT_EXT} .each {
        { // avoid exceptions from VobSub .sub files
          streams << new Stream( StreamType.TEXT, (Language) it.lang )
        catch (all) { log("${it.f}: ${all.inspect()}") }

      // try to match patterns indicating hard subs
      def path = allOf{mediaPath}{original} .join(' :: ')
      streams += path.findAll(RE_HARDSUBS) .collect{
                   new Stream( StreamType.HARD, it )

      return streams;

    private void logStream(it)
      def indent = " " * ( type.size() +2 );
      log("${indent}++ \"${it.f}\" [${(it.mime?:[]).join('/')}]");  // it.f ./. ${it.mediaPath}${it.subst?:''}

    String getTag()
      def miHD       = hd =~ /SD/ ? resolution : vf;                    // for SD movies, use actual resolution
      def miVC       = filterTag(CODEC_DISPLAY_MAP, vc);                // transform video codec display
      def miBitdepth = any{bitdepth}{8} < 10 ? null : "${bitdepth}bit"; // include bitdepth when >= 10
      def miAC       = filterTag(CODEC_DISPLAY_MAP, ac);
      def miCH       = filterTag(CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MAP, channels);

      def mediaInfo  = allOf{s3d}{miHD}{miVC}{miBitdepth}{miAC}{miCH};  // eg. ['720p','x265','AC3','5.1']

      def path       = allOf{mediaPath}{original} .join(' :: ')
      def fnTags     = path.findAll(RE_TAGS)   *.upper() .unique();     // to supplement FileBot's {tags}
      def fnSource   = path.findAll(RE_SOURCE) *.upper() .unique();     // to supplement FileBot's {source}
      // TODO: check that the above are not part of the title!

      // hide some sources from the result
      def mySource   = any{source}{"_"} =~ RE_HIDE_SOURCE ? null : source;

      return allOf{tags *.upper()}{fnTags}{mediaInfo}{streams}{mySource}{fnSource}
        .join(' ');

    private static String filterTag(map, String it)
      return map.get( it.lower(), it);

    private static Boolean isLatin(String it)
      return it && it ==~ /^[\p{IsCommon}\p{IsLatin}]+$/;

    // lang = null means locale of database query, pass ISO2 code otherwise
    // TODO: if( lang == 'de' ) transliterate umlauts
    // TODO: replace trailing (yyyy) from film names if necessary
    private static String cleanTitle(String it, Language lang=null)
      return it.transliterate(UNIDECODE).trim()

    List<String> getTitles()
      def list = [ cleanTitle(n) ];     // n will be in the locale used to query the database

      if( isLatin( self.primaryTitle ) )
        def primaryAscii = cleanTitle(self.primaryTitle, primaryLanguage);
        if( primaryAscii != list[0] )           // TODO: check for similarity to catch variants
        {                                       // see source/net/filebot/similarity/
          list << primaryAscii;                                         // use both titles
          if( primaryLanguage && LANGUAGE_MAP.containsKey( primaryLanguage.ISO2 ) )
            list = list.reverse();              // prioritize primary language

      return list;

    String getFileName()
      return titles[0] + " ($y)";

    // use /$2, $1/ to re-append the first word
    private static String sortTitle(String it, String replace=/$2, $1/)
      return it.replaceFirst(RE_SORTNAME, replace).trim()

    String getFolderName()
      def t = titles;
      def fn = sortTitle(t[0], /$2/);           // use /$2, $1/ to append the first word

      if( t.size() > 1 )
        fn += "; " + sortTitle(t[1], /$2/)      // use /$2, $1/ to append the first word

      return fn + " ($y) [$tag]";

    String getSortFolder()
      if( info?.adult )
        return "Adult...";
      float rating = any{binding.rating}{0.0} as float;
      float gigabytes = any{binding.gigabytes}{0.0} as float;
      if( gigabytes >= 5.0 && rating > 0.0 )
        int score = (11.0 - rating) * gigabytes / 4.4;
        return "== ${String.format( '%02d', score)} =="
      def collection = {
        .replaceFirst(RE_SORTNAME, /$2/)                        // use /$2, $1/ to append the first word

      def alnum = folderName =~ /\p{Alnum}/
      def az = alnum ? alnum[0] : '#';                          // use the first letter or number
      if( az =~ /\d/ ) az = "0-9";                              // use "0-9" for all numbers

      return any{collection}{"$az..."}{"..."};


Re: Formatters for programmers

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 17:11
by thielj
(reserved for TV Shows)

Re: Formatters for programmers

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 17:16
by thielj
(reserved for Music)

Re: Formatters for programmers

Posted: 23 Nov 2017, 23:11
by devster
Could you also give a few regular and exceptional example of the final result?
It's a bit complex seeing some of the fringe cases at a glance given the amount of code.

Re: Formatters for programmers

Posted: 24 Nov 2017, 01:21
by thielj
The script mainly deals with languages right now, but shows how to access the {model} bindings, implement caching and logging.
  • heuristics to figure out the main audio language (movie container, or database)
  • get languages from secondary audio tracks (both internal and from accompanying files, like *.swe.mp3)
  • regex based recognition of hardcoded subs
  • compile languages from internal text streams, external files (e.g. * and VobSub (.idx/.sub) titles
  • all language info is condensed to two letter ISO codes and used to tag the folder
  • some technical tags are filtered and/or replaced
  • original movie title is preferred if: in Latin script and the language is in LANGUAGE_MAP
  • some language specific processing for French and German
  • all information is cached while a group of related files is processed
Example folder names:

Code: Select all

36 Quai des Orfevres; 36th Precinct (2004) [704x572 FR en-hard DVB]/
37°2 le matin; Betty Blue (1986) [576x320 FR en]/
Annee des meduses; Year of the Jellyfish (1984) [704x384 AC3 FR DE en]/
Wonder Woman (2017) [1080p x265 10bit 5.1 EN de fr]/
The file names are kept clean to aid recognition by media software, basically "original_title_or_title (year)", e.g.: "L'Annee des meduses (1984)".This is followed by the necessary extensions for multi-parts, movies, audio and subtitle tracks.

There is also code to generate sort folders prefixes like "(A...)" and to single out large movies with bad ratings.

Re: Formatters for programmers

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 18:13
by kim
1. FYI: This can't be used in the GUI...
Expression is limited to 8192 characters
2. This is made too specific to you and way to complex for 99.9 % of the people here to edit to their needs.

3. What can your code do that others can't ?... then make version with only this.

4. Thx for sharing ;)