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UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported copy option

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 07:49
by bdkarof

I just tried out FileBot v3.4 (I've been using 3.3 with no problems) and for some reason the error above appears every time I click Rename, with any number of files (> 0), and in both admin (elevated) and normal mode.

Everything else seems to work just fine, I just can't rename files.

Does anyone else get this error in 3.4?

Re: UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported copy option

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 07:55
by rednoah
Windows, Linux or Mac? Java 6 or Java 7? What's the console output?

Works fine on Windows 7 / Java 7.

EDIT: Sry, fucked that up. Renaming is broken if useNativeShell=false is set. I'll update the release packages with r1467.

Re: UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported copy option

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 08:10
by bdkarof
Wow, fast reply! I'm in Windows 7 Pro SP 1, with Java 7 (jdk 1.7.0_09). I'm running the .jar standalone version (when I used both 3.3 and 3.4).

Console output in pastebin:

rednoah wrote:EDIT: Sry, fucked that up. Renaming is broken if useNativeShell=false is set. I'll update the release packages with r1467.
Awesome, thanks for the super fast support. Your program rocks!

Edit2: The new 3.4 lets me rename now :)

Re: UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported copy option

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 08:31
by rednoah
Updated all the downloads. Just download again and it'll work.