Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)

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Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)

Post by jddcef »


This file "D:\Movies\The Transporter\4. The Transporter Refuelled (2015).mp4"
is Matching with "The Transporter (2002)"?

I would imagine it was a clear match, with the year in the file name?

Oh, the command line matches correct, but the GUI doesn't?
>> filebot -rename --action test -non-strict "D:\Movies\The Transporter\4. The Transporter Refuelled (2015).mp4"

Code: Select all

	* Consider using --mode interactive to enable interactive mode
	Classify media files
	* Consider specifying --db TheMovieDB::TV to force Episode Mode
	* Consider specifying --db TheMovieDB to force Movie Mode
	Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
	Auto-detect movie from context [D:\Movies\The Transporter\4. The Transporter Refuelled (2015).mp4]
	[TEST] from [D:\Movies\The Transporter\4. The Transporter Refuelled (2015).mp4] to [D:\Movies\The Transporter\The Transporter Refueled (2015).mp4]
Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked

Post by rednoah »

You can do Double-Click -> Edit Match and select the correct movie instead if auto-detection gives you the wrong movie for one reason or another. The movie folder name The Transporter matches the movie name The Transporter exactly, so that might one one of the factors that make things go awry.

:idea: Your command-line console output does not include the command used... but you probably did not specify -non-strict and so you're using Strict Mode by default, and so you get different results, because the Desktop application uses Opportunistic Mode by default.

:arrow: If Strict Mode works better for your use case, then you can just switch to that instead:

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Re: Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)

Post by ChefGregS »

The double click -> Edit match just helped me a great deal. Fixed what I was about to post about. However, let me still tell you what happened that then caused my issue of 10 movies all showing up as the same movie (part 1, part 2, part .... 9)

I dropped a folder (A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - Horror 1984-2010) into filebot. When I clicked to match via TheMovieDB it asked me to choose the movie name that went with each file. However, because of the long folder name the file names were not showing up thus I didn't know which file it was asking me to verify. So I simply clicked ignore on each one. I tried to load them from inside the folder (all at once again) and it did the same thing. So I just clicked on the X to close out each one. After doing this 2 times (may have been 3 but I don't remember now) it no longer asked me to verify which file I was looking for. It simply renamed them all as 'A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 1' through 'Part 9'. I cleared the left side of the GUI window and dropped a file in there alone. As it was the original it worked fine. Then I dropped in the second one (02 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddys Revenge (1985)) It still renamed it 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' which of course matched the original. Which wasn't right. Never again could I get it to ask me to select from the list of possible movies.

So while I was able to fix each one at a time using the double click on the renamed file I was wondering...if you click it off enough times when it asks you to choose does it simply decide to stop asking? And if that is the case, is there a way to tell the program you WANT IT to ask you to choose again. And NOT just rename without asking?

Thanks Rednoah as always....

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Re: Movie not matching correct movie which is clearly marked (Match Mode: Opportunistic)

Post by rednoah »

If you were to paste the file paths as text then I could try and have a look.

:idea: FileBot will stop asking once you toggle the "don't ask for every file" toggle button from Image to Image but it may also remember explicit choices you have made previously, and not ask again for those:
rednoah wrote: 30 Jan 2017, 10:45 :idea: Consider switching from Image Manual Confirmation to Image Automatic Selection if the first option is consistently on point. Select (Image) will auto-select the best match automatically for all subsequent choices. Skip (Image) will skip all subsequent choices.


:idea: You can force FileBot to make you enter the movie name and select the movie via SHIFT-CLICK <datasource>. Please read FAQ #2 for details.

:arrow: The easy solution for this kind of problem (i.e. folder name is a movie name; but movies inside are not that movie) is to just rename the "A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - Horror 1984-2010" folder to "xxx" so that the folder name can no longer mislead FileBot.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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