FileBot Can't Create Hardlink at the same Volume in Podman

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FileBot Can't Create Hardlink at the same Volume in Podman

Post by hama4reall »

Hi! I've run Official FileBot-Xpra & FileBot-Watcher Containers From ... ot-watcher as a non-root user on Podman. I've been using them just fine until i decided to use hardlink instead of default Duplicate Behavior of the Watcher and I'm facing

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Invalid cross-device link
so i investigate in the issue and realized that i have two volumes

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      - ${HOME}/files:/files
      - ${HOME}/Media:/Media
for the input and the output which is not possible to create hardlink in two diffrent volumes so i combines the two to

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      - ${HOME}:/Home
and pointed the input and output to there folders which both of them is on the same filesystem but stil i'm getting

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Invalid cross-device link
Here's my FileBot-Watcher Docker Compose File

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    container_name: filebot-watcher
    image: rednoah/filebot:watcher
    restart: unless-stopped
      - SETTLE_DOWN_TIME=250
      - 'INOTIFYWAIT_OPTS=--recursive'
      - ${HOME}/FileBot:/data
      - ${HOME}:/Home
    command: /Home/files --output /Home/Media --def jellyfin=XXXXXXXX --conflict auto --action hardlink --def minLengthMS=0 --def minFileSize=1000 --def excludeList=amc.txt --def movieFormat="/Media/{f.path.match(/Badini/).upperInitial()}/{hd==/UHD/?'4KMovies':'Movies'}/{any{f.path.match(/Short/).upperInitial()}{anime?'Anime':''}{genres=~/Animation/?'Animation':''}{f.path.match(/Documentary/).upperInitial()}{genre=~/Documentary/?'Documentary':''}{info.OriginalLanguage.toLocale().displayLanguage}}/{}" seriesFormat="/Media/{f.path.match(/Badini/).upperInitial()}/{hd==/UHD/?'4KShows':'Shows'}/{any{anime?'Anime':''}{genres=~/Animation/?'Animation':''}{f.path.match(/Documentary/).upperInitial()}{genre=~/Documentary/?'Documentary':''}{info.OriginalLanguage.toLocale().displayLanguage}}/{}" animeFormat="/Media/{f.path.match(/Badini/).upperInitial()}/{hd==/UHD/?'4KShows':'Shows'}/{any{file.path.match(/Anime/).upperInitial()}{anime?'Anime':''}}/{}" musicFormat="/Media/Music/{~plex}" unsortedFormat="/Media/Unsorted/{fn}" --def movieDB=TheMovieDB seriesDB=TheMovieDB::TV animeDB=TheMovieDB::TV musicDB=ID3
and my FileBot-Xpra Docker Compose File

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version: '3.3'
    container_name: filebot-xpra
    image: rednoah/filebot:xpra
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ${HOME}/FileBot:/data
      - ${HOME}:/Home
      - 15454:5454
      - XPRA_AUTH=password:value=*******
and the log for the Xpra:

also Watcher log:
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Re: FileBot Can't Create Hardlink at the same Volume in Podman

Post by rednoah »

If you're using docker, then you need to ensure that the source / destination file is on the same volume AND on the same volume from inside the docker container. As far software running inside the container is concerned, each bind mount is a separate physical volume, even if this is not so on the host.

:arrow: Please read Notes on --action MOVE and --action HARDLINK for details.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
Posts: 33
Joined: 13 May 2023, 12:21

Re: FileBot Can't Create Hardlink at the same Volume in Podman

Post by hama4reall »

You're Righ, I just Realized that after combining the two volumes to /Home i forgot to change the Format Accordingly, Now i Fixed it and Thank you :)
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