ISSUE: I am naming a series that doesn't have series dates listed. So every time I try to rename it It wants to name every episode as a SPECIAL. Here is my current code:
Code: Select all
M:/TV II/{n.upperInitial().colon(' - ').replace('?', '!') }/{ any{"Season $s $sy" }{'Specials'}}/{n.upperInitial().colon(' - ').replace('?', '!') } {[genres.take(2).join(', ')]} - {s00e00} - {any{[airdate]}{null}} ({"$vf, $ac@$af"}) - {t.colon(" - ").replace('?', '!')}{subt}
I would like it to look and if it finds either the $s or the $sy replace that with the formatting else make it a special. I hope that makes sense.
BUT, I am not 100% sure it will give me the results I want. I mean, what if it has a season (0) but not a year. $s=0 WOULD be a special. Then it would need to check if either the s or sy is used make it a season unless s=0 THEN it is also a special.
Of course, I could be not be thinking about this correctly at all... It has been so long since I studied all this and created my scheme that I may just be missing it altogether. LOL
This really does take me back to my programming days when I was in high school and college and learning how to efficiently program if/then/or/but/unless all using boolean logic. Oh what fun!
