i recently logged on to my Rutorrent to find it had been upgraded to version 4 which broke my AMC, i reverted it back to 3.8 and and reconfigured everything as before. but now my my movies and tv shows that are downloading are goin straight to unsorted, according to my AMC log it its getting stuck i think at the group: [mov:null] or [tvs:null] it doesnt then go on to use a scrpaer to find the show/movie
Run script [fn:amc] at [Mon Dec 02 20:33:55 UTC 2024]
Parameter: unsorted = y
Parameter: music = Y
Parameter: artwork = Y
Parameter: excludeList = .excludes
Parameter: ut_dir = /home/user/files/downloads/Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA
Parameter: ut_kind = multi
Parameter: ut_title = Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA
Parameter: ut_label =
Use excludes: /home/user/files/renamed/.excludes
Input: /home/user/files/downloads/Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA/Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4
Group: [mov:null] => [Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4]
Processing 1 unsorted files
[DUPLICATE] from [/home/user/files/downloads/Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA/Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4] to [/home/user/files/renamed/Unsorted/downloads/Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA/Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4]
Processed 1 files
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
You can try to force Movie Mode via --def ut_label=Movie to see if that works better for this specific file.
You might occasional run into a file that just cannot be processed automatically. You'll want to use the GUI or the CLI manually in those cases. See FAQ #2 for details and alternatives.
Note that this file path works out-of-the-box for me with the current version:
$ filebot -script fn:amc *.mp4 --output . --def minLengthMS=0
Group files by movie or series
Group: {Movie=Caroline and the Rebels (1955), Series=null} => [Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4]
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context [Caroline And The Rebels (1955) 1080p BluRay-LAMA:Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4]
[MOVE] from [Caroline.And.The.Rebels.1955.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-LAMA.mp4] to [Movies/Caroline and the Rebels (1955) {tmdb-82981}/Caroline and the Rebels (1955).mp4]
Processed 1 file
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
The issue is present on every tv show and movie that I load. It doesn’t matter which one it is?
I’m not sure how to fix it do you have any ideas I can check through. The amc log i posted above is the same for every tv show or movie they always get sent to the unsorted folder.
I can only recommend upgrading to the latest version of FileBot and using the latest version of the amc script. That'll most likely just work. It's a bit difficult to provide support for custom code. I'm not sure if 3.8 is a typo but if you mean FileBot 3.8 then that's from over a decade ago.