Command 1 only hardlinks movies that are in collections into a Collections folder.
Code: Select all
filebot -script fn:amc -rename -r /nasty/Media/Movies/unsorted --db themoviedb --action hardlink --output "/nasty/Media/Movies/Collections/" --def movieFormat={collection}/{} --filter collection --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=col1.txt
Command 2 hardlinks all of the files into genre folders, starting with animation and science fiction./nasty/Media/Movies/Collections/Batman's Fake Collection/Riddler (2050).mkv
Code: Select all
filebot -script fn:amc -rename -r /nasty/Media/Movies/unsorted --db themoviedb --action hardlink --output "/nasty/Media/Movies" --format "{genres =~ 'Animation' ? 'Animation/' : {genres =~ 'Science Fiction' ? 'Science Fiction/' : genres[0]}}/{plex}/{}" --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=gen1.txt
Batman (1966) would be:/nasty/Media/Movies/Science Fiction/Space Batman (2022)/Space Batman (2022).mkv
I have some concerns with this set up. Since I have to process everything twice, I'm worried about upsetting themoviedb, and everyone else this might be pinging./nasty/Media/Movies/Comedy/Batman (1966)/Batman (1966).mkv
What happens if a movie isn't a collection when the script is run, but then later becomes one? Does Filebot do a check to see if a previous movie in a new collection has already been processed?
Thanks in advance!