Renaming Folders and Movie Files in place?

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Renaming Folders and Movie Files in place?

Post by begunfx »

Okay, so if I rename files in place by using {} it works like a charm. However, if the movie is located in a folder with the same name I'd like to be able to rename the folder and movie in place? I tried using the following:

Code: Select all

./{n} ({y}/{}
but it just creates another sub-folder with the rename folder and file.

This is what I have as an example:


When I run the command I have now I get:

THOR_THE_DARK_WORLD (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013).mp4
THOR_THE_DARK_WORLD (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013)

What I'd like to have is just:
Thor The Dark World (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013).mp4
Thor The Dark World (2013)/Thor The Dark World (2013)

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: Renaming Folders and Movie Files in place?

Post by rednoah »

:idea: You can use ../{ny}/{} if all your movies already have their own movie folder.

:!: If your files use different folder levels, the previously discussed question arises: Relative to what?

:arrow: If you just use {ny}/{} then FileBot will figure it out, based on the source file path and the proposed target file path. It'll likely work as expected for the example file path listed above. You can always have your custom format generate absolute target file paths as a last resort if you need to take full control though.
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Re: Renaming Folders and Movie Files in place?

Post by begunfx »

Thanks rednoah. Based on your feedback this worked for me:

Code: Select all

../{n} ({y})/{}
. For my needs I'm generally renaming within my media content folder so this should do it for me. Thanks!
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