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Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 16:21
by rednoah
There's probably a similar command for Windows if you Google for it.
And we're full circle :D

If I must do it, I do so on Linux. :lol:

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 16:48
by Sheldon
Yes we have a full circle because you don't answer my question!
You have relesed a WINDOWS VERSION.
So how do YOU do it on WINDOWS?
How is it implemented in the jar?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 17:09
by rednoah
How do I do it on Windows? I have GnuWin32 utilities installed. :D

How is it implemented in the jar? In compiled Java byte code that you cannot change. ...

Is the answer to any of those questions useful to you?
Probably not.

Do I have all the answers, that have little to do with FileBot, but lots with basic cmdline usage on Windows?

Does Google have all the answers?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 17:23
by Sheldon
Ah! You do the filtering in the Java code not in the request!
Thanks! That helps!
So I have to integrate GnuWin32 into my PortableApps Platform.
Now I know what to do.

Thanks a lot for your support!

By the way! Wouldn't it be a good idea to extend the -list command to support --filter?
Or is this not on your side?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 04:04
by rednoah
In the latest revision it's implemented already. ;)

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 06:33
by Sheldon
Latest version? I run version 4.0.
In this it is not implemented, or?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 06:52
by rednoah
No, I implemented it yesterday, so it's not in the latest stable release.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 07:10
by Sheldon
Ah! Great! So discussion leads to improvement! That's how it should be! :D
Can you already say when it will be available in a stable release?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 14:36
by rednoah
Maybe 2-3 months. But you can always grab the latest jar from sourceforge. See FAQ.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 14:58
by Sheldon
Ah, thanks! I grabbed the latest FileBot.jar from sourceforge but it seems that the windows GUI is not working with it. It simply doesn't open at all.
And I testet --filter "s=1" but it didn't get data at all.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:36
by rednoah
You need at least Java 7 now.

== not =

Code: Select all

--filter "s == 1"

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:46
by Sheldon
I use the latest Java 7.55 but --filter "s == 1" doesn't get any data at all.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 16:54
by rednoah

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 17:30
by Sheldon
No not for me!
The same procedure works with version 4.0 except the --filter.
So there is something wrong with the jar or the --filter syntax.
Do you use Java 7.55? Or is it a Windows issue?
The Filbot app doesn't start.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 17:44
by Sheldon
FYI: FileBot 4.1 RC1 portable fails opening the GUI!

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 05:29
by rednoah
Tested on Mac and it works just fine.

Please run it with cmdline and post the logs.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 08:03
by Sheldon
Mac? You are joking, aren't you? :lol:
I tested it on Windows and it failed!
I only run it with the cmd command (java command).
Where do I find the logs? There are some files in FileBot\Cache\0. Do you need one of those?

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 08:53
by rednoah
I was at the HCI lab at the time, but the point is it works on all platforms. I've tested Windows, Ubuntu and Mac and it works. If you want to see the console output you're can run filebot from cmdline either with filebot.cmd or java -jar FileBot.jar and then copy/paste what you see in the cmd window.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 09:36
by Sheldon
Here is the exception:

Code: Select all

Apr 23, 2014 11:32:07 AM net.filebot.Main main
Schwerwiegend: Can't instantiate Preferences factory net.sourceforge.tuned.prefs
java.lang.InternalError: Can't instantiate Preferences factory net.sourceforge.t
        at java.util.prefs.Preferences.factory(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.prefs.Preferences.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.Settings.forPackage(
        at net.filebot.ui.MainFrame.<clinit>(
        at net.filebot.Main.startUserInterface(
        at net.filebot.Main.access$000(
        at net.filebot.Main$
        at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
        at Method)
        at$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Sour
        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sourceforge.tuned.prefs.FilePre
        at$ Source)
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
        ... 21 more

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 14:02
by rednoah
For the bigger releases you might need to get the new package, and not just the jar. The configs have changed, and the new jar in not compatible with the old config.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 15:15
by Sheldon
I took the new package but it failed.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 02:46
by rednoah
This exact error message is not possible if you are using the latest configuration:

Code: Select all

Can't instantiate Preferences factory net.sourceforge.tuned.prefs.FilePreferencesFactory
So you probably copied the cmdline options at some point. But now you need to update them cause things changed.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 08:03
by Sheldon
I changed the cmd and now it works. The filter works as well. Great!
Are multiple filters possible?
I think about some somethings like --filter "s==1" "e == 10".

I found this setting -Dnet.filebot.AcoustID.fpcalc="%~dp0fpcalc.exe".
What is it? I could't find any fpcalc.exe.
Seems to be new.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 13:00
by rednoah
No, but yes. 1 expression of arbitrary complexity:

Code: Select all

"s==1 && e == 10"
fpcalc is the program that computes the acoustid finger prints. It's only required for audio identification.

Re: Receiving TV Data

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 13:59
by Sheldon
Thanks! It works fine! :D
Shouldn't the fpcalc.exe be in the zip?

Ah! It seems that something like "e>=10","e<>10" or "e<10" is not possible.
That would be helpful!