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Help with Vuze - The automatic script

Posted: 04 Feb 2014, 06:41
by arcadeswede

In uTorrent I use this script:
filebot -script fn:amc --output "F:/" --log-file amc.log --action move --conflict override -non-strict --def music=n subtitles=sv,en artwork=n deleteAfterExtract=y clean=y "ut_dir=%D" "ut_file=%F" "ut_kind=%K" "ut_title=%N" "ut_label=%L" "ut_state=%S"

I want to use Vuze and I tried the same script with the Command Runner-plugin but nothing happens?

Does anyone know what to do?

Re: Help with Vuze - The automatic script

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 07:36
by Ithiel
Hi arcadeswede,

A few people have run into AMC issues with Vuze, although much of it seems to stem from "'command runner' unfortunately execute[ing] the code as soon as the download is complete (executes in the partials folder) before it is moved to the completed, passing along the wrong folder info to filebot".

Have a bit of a dig through these two threads to see if their issues match your own experiences and if so.. maybe their solutions do too :-)