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Match --filter for only English TV Shows

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 15:36
by LBKirk
Sorry if this topic has been explained already but I was unable to find it. Recently I have had a few TV Shows that keep matching to Korean shows with the same name. I currently have my language set to English and use your age filter which works great but the Korean shows are recent and their titles are in English so it doesn't exclude them from being named after them. If there is a simple match filter to exclude all non English shows that would be very helpful. As always thank you for your time and amazing product.

Re: Match --filter for only English TV Shows

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 16:14
by rednoah
Can you paste the command and console output of a run where you had a such mismatch so we can see what's happening, file paths and series names involved?

Re: Match --filter for only English TV Shows

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 00:27
by LBKirk
I actually found through the log filebot matched the TV Show Big Mouth (2022) correctly and that my download had picked up the Korean show which I fixed from further download. I went ahead and added an exclude for anything with Korean in the name for the future which should take care of any future accidental downloads of Korean shows. I don't remember the other shows that I had an issue with but wasn't sure if there was a simple way to exclude all foreign shows. If not no big deal, I've only had a few random naming issues in tens of thousands of automated renames. Regardless thank you for the quick response.

Re: Match --filter for only English TV Shows

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 04:43
by rednoah
Please share your --filter for future reference for other users that might stumble on this thread in the future, and make sure keep the --log-file around so that we can see what happened at the time if it happens again.