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[DOCS] Find files where online metadata has changed

Posted: 09 Sep 2023, 06:08
by rednoah
e.g. find movie files where xattr metadata does not exactly match the online movie information:

Shell: Select all

filebot -mediainfo -r "/path/to/Movies" \
	--file-filter "" \
	--filter "movie && none{ n == && y == info.released.year }" \
	--format "{n} | {y} | { } | { info.released.year } | {f}"
** this code will only check for changes in movie name and movie year

e.g. find episode files where xattr metadata does not exactly match the online episode information:

Shell: Select all

filebot -mediainfo -r "/path/to/TV Shows" \
	--file-filter "" \
	--filter "episode && none{ episode as String == episodelist.find{ it.episode == episode }.episode as String }" \
	--format "{episode} | {episodelist.find{ it.episode == episode }.episode} | {f}"
** this code will only check for changes in series name and season / episode numbers and episode title

:idea: and are available on GitHub:

Shell: Select all

# Fetch shell script files
curl --output-dir ~/bin -O ''
curl --output-dir ~/bin -O ''
# Make shell script files executable
chmod +x ~/bin/*.sh
# Find files where metadata has changed
~/bin/ "/path/to/Movies"
~/bin/ "/path/to/TV Shows"

:idea: The miss script (i.e. find missing episodes) can be used to find episodes that are listed online but not in the local file system as per xattr metadata.

:!: DO NOT run these scripts more than once per month if you run them on a large library of files. Checking for changes requires complete movie and series / episode information for all files and thus causes excessive load on 3rd party databases.