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separate HD, 4K and genre

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 10:58
by Guiro
Hello, I use filebot node on my server and I would like to separate HD and 4K videos into folders, but also into genre folders.
This is what I'm currently using and I don't know how to split 4k videos.

Groovy: Select all

seriesFormat={ genres =~ /Animation/ ? 'Séries d\'animations' : genres =~ /Documentaire|Reality/ ? 'Séries Documentaires' : 'Séries' }/{ plex.tail }{" tvdb-$id"}
movieFormat={ genres =~ /Animation/ ? 'Films d\'animations' : genres =~ /Documentaire|Reality/ ? 'Films Documentaires' : 'Films'}/{ plex.tail }{" tmdb-$id"}
If anyone could help me, because I don't know how to do it at all.

thank you

Re: separate HD, 4K and genre

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 11:47
by rednoah
I guess you could just add 4K somewhere in the file path?

Format: Select all

{ height > 2000 ? '4K' : '' }


Format: Select all

	if (genres =~ /Animation/)
		return "Séries d'animations"
	if (genres =~ /Documentaire|Reality/)
		return "Séries Documentaires"
		return "Séries"
	if (height > 2000)
		return " 4K"
	if (height > 700)
		return " HD"
		return ""

:idea: You'll want to use @file syntax to read format code from external *.groovy text files:

Shell: Select all

--def movieFormat=@/path/to/MovieFormat.groovy

Re: separate HD, 4K and genre

Posted: 23 Sep 2024, 11:19
by rednoah