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Move Featurettes and Move file or folder to specific path

Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 13:53
by Amishman
I recently acquired a movie. There was a Featurette folder that contacted 6 or 7 different .mp4 files. I was wondering if it was possible for Filebot to also move that Featurette folder to the movie's folder?

Also, I believe Filebot does not process XXX adult movies. Is it possible to have Filebot automatically move those folders/files or folder/files that contain certain words to a specific folder?

Re: Move Featurettes and Move file or folder to specific path

Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 14:20
by rednoah
Yes, FileBot can move along Companion Files files.

Yes, you can move / organize any kind of file with Plain File Mode.