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[FEATURE REQUEST] real web interface

Posted: 10 May 2024, 18:29
by devildant
Good morning,

I use the xpra version of docker, but it's a hassle, it crashes often, it's slow...
I use it as best I can.
(I use the Windows client at home but I sometimes need to do it remotely, quite often)
so my feature request would be to have a real web version of filebot via docker.

I searched the forum but I didn't find this request (if it exists then I apologize for the double post)

best regards

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] real web interface

Posted: 10 May 2024, 18:54
by rednoah
Unfortunately, running FileBot in the browser is not really feasible as it would effectively require rewriting FileBot from scratch. There might be remote Desktop alternatives that work better than xpra though.

An alternate solution would be running FileBot on your local Desktop machine as usual (rather than streaming a video from a remote Desktop) and mounting the remote file system as network drive. If you have SSH access, then you can have SSHFS virtual file system access. The manageable downside of running FileBot locally is read / write operations go over the network.

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] real web interface

Posted: 10 May 2024, 19:05
by devildant
I understand well the hassle that this can be, it seems to me that everything is written in Java, having already done Java applications there is indeed a strong adherence to the view.
SSH solutions are not possible (whether it is the network that blocks them, or security, my ssh is blocked on the internet for security reasons)
I would have tried (feature request) :p

but thx for your reply

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] real web interface

Posted: 10 May 2024, 19:32
by rednoah
If you can can access your server via HTTPS (e.g. filebot-xpra WebUI) then you could probably look into WebDAV as well. Windows should have built-in support for mapping a WebDAV folder as network drive. Might require a bit of tinkering though to get things working on both client and server.

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] real web interface

Posted: 11 May 2024, 21:56
by rednoah
I can confirm that Windows 11 can mount a HTTP / WebDAV share as network drive.

1. Run HTTP WebDAV service on the server:

Shell: Select all

docker run --rm -it -e AUTH_TYPE=Digest -e USERNAME=alice -e PASSWORD=secret1234 -v "$PWD:/var/lib/dav/data" -v "apachewebdav:/var/lib/dav" -p 8080:80 apachewebdav/apachewebdav

2. Map network drive on the client:

3. Move / Rename with FileBot works as expected:

:!: If you were to use something like this over the internet then you definitely will want to use HTTPS though. But if you're already using filebot-xpra over the internet then you presumably already have HTTPS figured out.