Generate thumbnails for video files on QNAP NAS

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Generate thumbnails for video files on QNAP NAS

Post by rednoah »

Multimedia Console and video files

Multimedia Console generates thumbnails for image files but does not generate thumbnails for video files (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) for some reason.

:!: File Station, Qfile, DLNA Media Server, Media Streaming Add-on and friends therefore cannot display thumbnails for video files:

:idea: Multimedia Console does however generate thumbnails in the .@__thumb folder if CAYIN MediaSign Player is installed. File Station and Qfile use the .@__thumb folder. Some QNAP applications like DLNA Media Server and Media Streaming Add-on notably do not use the .@__thumb folder and instead use the .system/thumbnail index:

Console Output: Select all

$ find /share/Multimedia/Movies/ -type f
/share/Multimedia/Movies/.@__thumb/s800The Man from Earth (2007).mkv
/share/Multimedia/Movies/.@__thumb/s100The Man from Earth (2007).mkv
/share/Multimedia/Movies/.@__thumb/defaultThe Man from Earth (2007).mkv
/share/Multimedia/Movies/The Man from Earth (2007).mkv
$ find /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/thumbnail/ -type f

Generate thumbnails for video files

The following docker command uses filebot with -exec to execute ffmpeg for each video file to generate the missing thumbnail files:

Shell: Select all

docker run --rm -it -e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 -v "data:/data" -v "/share:/share" rednoah/filebot \
	-find "/share/Multimedia/Movies" --filter 'def i = f.dir / ".@__thumb" / "default$"; && i.dir.exists() && !i.exists()' \
		-exec sh -xc 'ffmpeg -an -ss {quote seconds/5} -i {quote f} -vframes 1 -vf scale=800:800:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase -f mjpeg -y {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s800{quote} \
		           && ffmpeg -i {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s800{quote} -vf scale=260:260:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f mjpeg -y {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s100{quote} \
		           && ffmpeg -i {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s800{quote} -vf scale=400:400:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase -f mjpeg -y {quote folder}/.@__thumb/default{quote} \
		           && touch -r {quote f} {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s800{quote} {quote folder}/.@__thumb/s100{quote} {quote folder}/.@__thumb/default{quote}'

Generate thumbnail index

After generating thumbnails for each video file in the .@__thumb folder, we then need to prepare the .system/thumbnail index to make thumbnails available to DLNA Media Server and Media Streaming Add-on as well. The script will take care of that:

Shell: Select all

sudo /opt/filebot/bin/

Shell: Select all

#!/bin/sh -xu
SYSTEM_VOLUME="$(getcfg SHARE_DEF defVolMP -f /etc/config/"

function database {
	"$SYSTEM_VOLUME/.qpkg/MultimediaConsole/mariadb10/bin/mariadb" --socket=/tmp/mariadb10_mmc.sock --user=root --password=qnapqnap --database s01 --batch --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --execute "$1" --skip-column-names

function thumbnail {
	[ ! -f "$1" ] || [ "$1" -ef "$2/$3" ] || (mkdir -m 777 -p "$2" && ln -svf "$1" "$2/$3")

database 'SELECT v.iVideoId, d.cFullPath, v.cFileName FROM videoTable v INNER JOIN dirTable d ON v.iDirId = d.iDirId' | \
while IFS=$'\t' read -r iVideoId cFullPath cFileName
	__shard="$SYSTEM_VOLUME/.system/thumbnail/2$(printf "%02x" "$iVideoId" | tail -c 2)"

	thumbnail "$__thumb/s800$cFileName"    "$__shard" "$iVideoId.jpg"
	thumbnail "$__thumb/default$cFileName" "$__shard" "$iVideoId-1.jpg"
	thumbnail "$__thumb/s100$cFileName"    "$__shard" "$iVideoId-2.jpg"
** Note that the QNAP DLNA media server is not fully compatible (1) with the Windows 11 built-in DLNA client so thumbnails may not work on Windows 11 even if thumbnails do work on your Smart TV. The issue has been reported to QNAP support.

Generate thumbnails from movie posters

Fetch the movie poster for each movie file (see xattr metadata) to generate the thumbnail files:

Shell: Select all

filebot -find "/volume1/Media/Movies" --apply thumbnail

Delete thumbnails for video files

Find and delete the .@__thumb/s* and .@__thumb/default* thumbnail files:

Shell: Select all

find "/share/Multimedia/Movies" -type f '(' -path '*/.@__thumb/s[18]00*' -or -path '*/.@__thumb/default*' ')' -print -delete
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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