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toggle what artwork is downloaded

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 07:18
by elgallo
perhaps this is already available, but what I'm looking for is to toggle/switch off
clearart, disc & folder from artwork thats downloaded or that artwork + plex (or XMBC) downloads artwork that can be read by plea or XMBC as the users prefer.

Alex currently doesn't support clearart, folder/poster are interchangeable (only one is needed not both and just uses space) disc art is not supported either and thus not needed for my setup in Plex.

Re: toggle what artwork is downloaded

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 10:01
by rednoah
No. That's not supported for the sake of simplicity.

folder.jpg is used by Windows and some HTPC software. If you have a 700+ MB movie you really really don't need to worry about the extra 1-2 MB.

But the sources are on GitHub so you can easily make the changes yourself.

Re: toggle what artwork is downloaded

Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 05:10
by elgallo
1. OK

2. My movies are 9GB+ I do worry about 1-2MBs

3. thanks, I'll look into it and share what I come up with