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Fetch NFO only

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 00:16
by denywinarto
Hi, i'm using XBMC andi have read some thread,

But i can't find what i need,
I just need Filebot to generate nfo containing the link to the respective thetvdb show,


When i tried this it generates artwork in my NAS, which is not ideal for my case because it will slow down the performance

Deleting all but nfo after fetching will cause XBMC unable to scrape season posters
(because it follows nfo that's pointing to the local folder)

So anyway to fetch nfo containing links only?

Re: Fetch NFO only

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 05:30
by denywinarto
Ok what if i edit the groovy file script then i want to test it?
How do i test it? Can't find the script in Filebot folder...

Edit : nevermind, got it to work by tweaking the script, thanks for this amazing program :D