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Genre and Rating Naming

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 09:45
by Flauschus
Hi all,

first of all: Great little helper this filebot. Good Job.
For some months i now have a problem regarding the naming scheme i use.

{n} ({y}) [{genres[0]} - {rating}] {-pi}

Genre and rating isn't shown anymore. Is there any hint to get it back?

Best regards,


Re: Genre and Rating Naming

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 09:52
by rednoah
Is there any reasons why you don't give me the example filenames so I can try this myself? Have you confirmed this issue with more than a single file for a single movie?

@see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1868

{-pi} ... seriously, I'd never have thought of doing it that way. You're either incredibly smart, or you have no idea what you're doing. :lol:

Re: Genre and Rating Naming

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 10:14
by Flauschus
Hi there,

might be possible - i guess i have no idea ;-) I'm using this for splitted movies where i have part one and two in a folder. Its named then -1 and -2. Works for me! :roll:

Regarding the files and filenames: I'm using the german language and the problem occures with every movie.
The Movie is detected right and named right. Also the year is right. Only the genre and rating isn't working anymore (but it does for many months and movies)
In my oppinion it is since the MovieDB website got updated and redesigned - but this might be wrong. I'm currently at work so i cant use the filebot and take some screenshots. Does this naming script work for you with the genre and rating on moviedb?

Best regards and sorry for disrespecting the rules. Didn't read it :oops:

Re: Genre and Rating Naming

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 12:50
by rednoah
Works for me:

Code: Select all

filebot -rename * --action TEST --db TheMovieDB --lang DE --format "{ny} {rating} {genre}" -non-strict

Code: Select all

Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [Avatar.2009.mp4]
[TEST] Rename [Avatar.2009.mp4] to [Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (2009) 7.0 Action.mp4]

Re: Genre and Rating Naming

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 14:35
by Flauschus
Thx for your time rednoah. Will check it again when i'm out of office.

Best regards!