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Trouble matching foreign show

Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 15:01
by Chrrs
I have two foreign (Korean) shows in my library: Running Man (TheTVDB id 248870) and Infinity Challenge (TheTVDB id 284209). They both have similar filenames:


When I run FileBot on Running Man with the following, everything works fine:

Code: Select all

chris@topher ~/d/f/TV>
filebot -rename "Running.Man.E345.170409.720p-NEXT.mp4" --action test --db TheTVDB --q "Running Man" -non-strict
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Fetching episode data for [Running Man]
Fetching episode data for [Running Man (ZH)]
Fetching episode data for [Running Wilde]
[TEST] Rename [/home/chris/downloads/files/TV/Running.Man.E345.170409.720p-NEXT.mp4] to [/home/chris/downloads/files/TV/Running Man - 2017x345 - King of the Booking Race.mp4]
Processed 1 files
When I run the same thing for Infinity Challenge, I get the wrong match:

Code: Select all

chris@topher ~/d/f/TV>
filebot -rename "Infinity.Challenge.E525.170415.720p-NEXT.mp4" --action test --db TheTVDB --q "Infinite Challenge" -non-strict
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Fetching episode data for [Infinite Challenge]
Fetching episode data for [The Challenge]
[TEST] Rename [/home/chris/downloads/files/TV/Infinity.Challenge.E525.170415.720p-NEXT.mp4] to [/home/chris/downloads/files/TV/The Challenge - 17x04 - Duel-ality.mp4]
Processed 1 files
If I remove non-strict, I get the correct show match, but no episode match

Code: Select all

chris@topher ~/d/f/T/The Challenge>
filebot -rename "Infinity.Challenge.E525.170415.720p-NEXT.mp4" --action test --db TheTVDB --q "Infinite Challenge"
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Fetching episode data for [Infinite Challenge]
Failed to match files to episode data
Failure (°_°)
Any hints on what I can do to get the correct match for Infinity Challenge?

Re: Trouble matching foreign show

Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 15:40
by rednoah
If --q is a 5-or-more digit number, then FileBot will interpret it as series id:

Code: Select all

filebot -list --db TheTVDB --q 284209
:idea: "Search by ID" is a pretty recent feature. You can use --filter if you need a more generic solution.

--filter can be used to limit the episodes that FileBot will consider to be valid matches. If you're processing episodes within a few days of release, then the "age filter" will effectively eliminate false positives:

Code: Select all

filebot -list --db TheTVDB --q "Infinite Challenge" -non-strict --filter "age < 7"
@see viewtopic.php?t=2127