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AMC TV episode naming scheme

Posted: 20 Feb 2013, 02:46
by DF2002
Hi, I have a scripting question regarding the following snippet and the AMC script.

Using the FileBot GUI, I used the following script
filebot -rename f:/incoming/ --format "{'.')}.{'S'+s.pad(2)}E{E.pad(2)}.{vf}.{vc}" --db thetvdb -non-strict

And get specifically this naming scheme:

Is it possible to change settings in the AMC script to match this preferred naming scheme?


Re: AMC TV episode naming scheme

Posted: 20 Feb 2013, 02:51
by rednoah
Fully Automated Media Center wrote:Customize Paths:
You can override the default naming schemes via --def seriesFormat, animeFormat or movieFormat but make sure you understand how cmdline arguments work since you must escape double quotes via \", ampersands, etc otherwise the cmdline arguments will not be passed to FileBot as you may think. Relative paths will be resolved against --output and you can use absolute paths if you want to use multiple drives.