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Move .txt files

Posted: 28 Sep 2018, 19:31
by Albernet

I am using Filebot Node and I would like to know if you can move .txt files in the same way as .srt files. If yes, how is it done?.

Best regards and thanks.

Re: Move .txt files

Posted: 29 Sep 2018, 05:58
by rednoah
You can process any type of file:

Processing subtitle files / video files in Movie / Episode mode is not exactly the same as processing subtitle file / text files in generic file mode. There might be subtle differences depending on what you're trying to do.

Re: Move .txt files

Posted: 29 Sep 2018, 08:08
by Albernet
Thanks for your answer. What I want to do is the following;

I have a folder of recordings, with files Movie.mkv, Movie.txt, Movie2.mkv, Movie2.txt, etc. and when I move and rename the videos with Filebot I want it to also move and rename the .txt file (if possible), as it does with the .str files.

Anyway, I'm going to look at the link you've indicated.


Re: Move .txt files

Posted: 30 Sep 2018, 11:24
by rednoah
I see. This use case is fairly unrelated to the link above.

FileBot will process any derived files (e.g. *.txt files with the same name as *.mkv files in the same folder) in exactly the same way as the corresponding primary file. So this particular use case should work as expected right out of the box.