Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

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Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by FakeKitty »

Dear Rednoah/FIlebot,

Over the past few weeks I have been setting up a HTPC for the first time, I thought it would be a great gift for the holidays to my family (and myself =D). However all my media was not uniformly named, as such XBMC would not recognize even half of it. Due to this I was forced to rename over 1800GB of data, way to many files. Sadly I was unable to find a tool that would do what I wanted, and it just became easier to rename a few episodes at a time. A very tedious project.

Not long ago I found your program, not only does it rename files exactly how I want, with as many variables as I want, but it can use AniDB for anime. Now like a total noob not realizing the total awesomeness that is FileBot I went and did each and every series one at a time, not knowing I could just do an entire folder full of media and it would sort most of it out itself and do a great job. Now this feature alone blew my mind, my wife came into check on me because I literally bent over laughing over how amazing this program is (Side-note: She thought I was nuts). Now as great this alone was I felt there had to be more, there must be more secrets to find in this awesome piece of software.

Today I realized that not only can you set it to add release group names and CRC data to file names, but it if you tell it to it will run the crc check, add the crc, and match it to a group name. In short all the CRCs and group names i removed from the file names due to my inexperience with this software and laziness during the manual renaming I did, were quickly re-added without any work from me at all. My mind is utterly blown, there is a puddle of brain that's leaked out on the floor next to my desk chair, mind totally blown. This software is amazing. For as long as you support it, this software will be the only program I ever use to rename media. Its just a complete and total work of genius.

Now I have no idea how you were able to do this by yourself, but you can bet I will be telling every person I know about this program. Its without a doubt the most useful piece of software I have used in the past 2 years at least. Just amazing. I know its not much, but next Wednesday I get paid and you can bet the first thing I will be doing is sending you 20$. You pretty much saved my rear end, without you and this software there is no way I would have all this media renamed in time for the big Christmas reveal. So thank you, thank you so much.

I know this was a bit of a long post, but its so hard to emphasize how awesome I think this program is. I am not an easily excited person, but this blew me away. So thank you so much for your hard work, and I hope that one day, once more people know about this software, you will be able to start charging for it. I know i would have bought it right off the bat had I known half of what I know now.

So with all that said, let me wish you Rednoah, and everyone else at FileBot a truly Happy Holiday. You all sure do deserve it. I know you sure helped make mine a great one, so thank you and Merry Christmas.

Sincerely and with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and total awe at this amazing accomplishment,

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Re: Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by encryptedbytes »

Thanks for posting this. You've articulated my own (and I'm sure many others) thoughts on this marvelous utility!
~ EncryptedBytes
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Re: Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by rednoah »

Well, I'm glad you like it. Good to know my work is appreciated. :) Usually people don't get why I do what I do. Next time I can just refer them here. ;)
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Re: Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by FakeKitty »

rednoah wrote:Well, I'm glad you like it. Good to know my work is appreciated. :) Usually people don't get why I do what I do. Next time I can just refer them here. ;)
No problem it was the least I could do. If you think it would be of help to you I would be happy to write an actual proper review written from the perspective of someone using FileBot for HTPC use. I would be happy to compare FileBot against its competitors and explain in detail why I think FileBot is the best program for the job. I don't run a website of my own but I would be happy to post it here on the forums or on a specific website that you choose.

If this would be of value to you please don't hesitate to let me know, I think I could whip something nice out within a week or so after the holiday season.


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Re: Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by rednoah »

I guess a nice comparison of FileBot, TheRenamer, TVRename etc would could catch ALOT of google searches from people still using these tools. 8-)
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Re: Thank You So Very Much & Happy Holidays

Post by Ithiel »

Another year, another holiday - but the message is the same: thanks RedNoah for another year's hard work on FileBot!

I, along with the 7.03TB of media I have since renamed, greatly appreciate all your work in putting this awesome little app together. :-)
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