Filebot deleting setup.exe?

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Filebot deleting setup.exe?

Post by remigius »

i like filebot very much, but i see a strange behaviour when it comes to certain files.
I run a synology nas with jdownloader. After extraction event scripter starts the filebot script. So far so good.
I downloaded some Fitgirl-repacks (pc-games), after extraction there are *.bin files and a setup.exe. But after filebot processed the files, the setup.exe was missing.
First i thougt it was caused by JD2 and asked in their forums ( Together we figured out, that the cause was when event scripter comes in. After turning event scripter off the exe remains. I tried multiple fitgirl-repacks with all missing setup.exe. Other downloads with *.exe are fine. There is no av-software and nothing special in the log.
Maybe someone has a clue what is causing this behaviour and how to stop deleting setup.exe.


Code: Select all

Parameter: seriesFormat = /volume1/video/Serien/{n}/{s}/{n}.{s00e00} - {t} ({y}) {vf}
Parameter: movieFormat = /volume1/video/Filme/{n} ({y}) {source}({vf}@{vc}) [{rating}]/{n} ({y}) {source}({vf}@{vc}) [{rating}]
Parameter: unsorted = y
Parameter: skipExtract = y
Parameter: music = n
Parameter: artwork = y
Parameter: clean = y
Argument[0]: /volume1/downloads/Kingdoms of Amalur - Re-Reckoning FitGirl Repack
No files selected for processing

Code: Select all

filebot -script 'fn:sysinfo' --log-file '/var/packages/filebot-node/var/filebot.log'


WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by net.filebot.Main (file:/volume1/@appstore/filebot/jar/filebot.jar)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of net.filebot.Main
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
FileBot 4.9.4 (r8736)
JNA Native: 6.1.0
MediaInfo: 19.04
Tools: p7zip/16.02 unrar/5.70 ffprobe/4.1.6
Extended Attributes: OK
Unicode Filesystem: OK
Script Bundle: 2022-01-19 (r790)
Groovy: 3.0.8
JRE: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 17.0.1
JVM: 32-Bit OpenJDK Client VM
JAVA_OPTS: -Xmx400m
CPU/MEM: 2 Core / 405 MB Max Memory / 23 MB Used Memory
OS: Linux (arm)
HW: Linux DS 3.10.108 #42218 SMP Fri Sep 24 02:38:39 CST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux synology_armada38x_ds218j
CPU/MEM: ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l) | Marvell Armada 380/381/382/383/384/385/388 (Device Tree) [MemTotal: 524 MB | MemFree: 23 MB | SwapCached: 41 MB | SwapTotal: 2.1 GB | SwapFree: 1.8 GB]
STORAGE: ext4 [/] @ 1.2 GB | ext4 [/volume1] @ 1.8 TB
USER: FileBot
DATA: /var/packages/filebot/var/data/106247
Package: SPK
License: FileBot License P25883537 (Valid-Until: 2022-06-06)
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Event scripter:

Code: Select all

[{"eventTrigger":"ON_ARCHIVE_EXTRACTED", "enabled":true, "name":"FileBot", "script":"var amcFile = \"/volume1/homes/Martin/Drive/Scripts/\";var path = archive.getFolder(); callAsync(function() {}, amcFile, path);", "eventTriggerSettings":{}, "id":4711}]

Code: Select all

##FileBot benötigt diese Variablen
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx384m"
SERIEN="/volume1/video/Serien/{n}/{s}/{n}.{s00e00} - {t} ({y}) {vf}"
FILME="/volume1/video/Filme/{n} ({y}) {source}({vf}@{vc}) [{rating}]/{n} ({y}) {source}({vf}@{vc}) [{rating}]"
UNSORTIERT="/volume1/downloads/unsorted/{file.structurePathTail}" ##  # Wenn Filebot mal etwas nicht zuordnen kann, dann kannst du es in einen seperaten Ordner verschieben lassen, dann bleibt es im Downloadordner übersichtlich.
##FileBot ausführen
filebot -script fn:amc --lang de --log-file $LOG --action move "$1" --output "/volume1/downloads" --def "seriesFormat=$SERIEN" "movieFormat=$FILME" -non-strict --def "unsorted=y" "skipExtract=y" "music=n" "artwork=y" "clean=y"
## Aufräumen, --def root löscht den Unterordner mit
filebot -script fn:cleaner "$1" --def root=y
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Location: Taipei

Re: Filebot deleting setup.exe?

Post by rednoah »

You'll want to make sure not to call FileBot on non-video content, especially not if you're using --def unsorted=y or --def clean=y.

Furthermore, you're explicitly calling the cleaner, which you definitely don't want do do on non-video content:

Code: Select all

## Aufräumen, --def root löscht den Unterordner mit
filebot -script fn:cleaner "$1" --def root=y
:!: :!: Note that you're not using --log-file $LOG here, so your $LOG file will not show what your filebot -script fn:cleaner call is doing.

:idea: If you were using the standard JD integration example, then you could set the comment on the download to something like games or other. That value is eventually passed along as --def ut_label in the amc script call and will force it to apply unsorted behaviour. However, you're not using standard JD integration example, and calling filebot -script fn:cleaner explicitly, so you'll have to add support for ignoring certain downloads to your custom solution.

:arrow: Using the JD integration example as an example, you'll have to modify the code to not call filebot either in the JD script or in the shell script, the latter is probably easier:
* ... hed.js#L18
* ...
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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