Considering Filebot for UNRAID Movie Library

All about user-defined episode / movie / file name format expressions
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Considering Filebot for UNRAID Movie Library

Post by sbhurricane »

So I found out about Filebot tonight and have been trying to read up on how this all works and had some questions before I purchase and actually attempt anything since I have a large library I don't want to mess up doing something wrong or misunderstanding how this program works. Not worried about the $6 I just don't want to mess up my stuff since I had manually renamed all the files originally as they were being downloaded.

I currently have a quite large UNRAID based Plex library (over 50TB between movies and TV shows files) with roughly 2,800 files within my non-4K movies library. To help with any transcoding that a user I share with could require I keep separate 4K and non-4K libraries. Unfortunately these files are all in a flat folder setup because I wasn't thinking Radarr when I first got into this and now because of this Radarr won't match any movies.

Looking at the screenshot below of how I have files named/organized within my movie folder how would I need to set up a renaming whatever you call it (I'm not a coder) so that it creates the subdirectories and moves the video files and corresponding subtitle files (.srt, .idx, .sub, etc) to their own folders but doesn't ruin the naming convention I have?

The video files and subtitle files are all named the exact same and everything is structured as: Movie Name (Year) Resolution.ext - some one offs could be if there are different versions of films (normal vs alternate endings) and I took a screenshot of that as well. Can this all be done through the filebot unraid docker app?

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Re: Considering Filebot for UNRAID Movie Library

Post by rednoah »

⭑⭑ Please watch How do I organize files for Plex? if you have not done so already. ⭑⭑

:idea: You can evaluate custom formats and preview how files would be named without a license:

:idea: Make sure to use the Desktop GUI application for prototyping custom formats and one-off processing of large file sets:

You'll want to hardlink everything into a new pristine folder structure. We don't have to worry about messing things up, because we will keep both original files, and new files, because there's nothing wrong with having the same file twice or many times at different file paths.

FileBot can rewrite the file path arbitrarily according to your custom format, using MediaInfo properties if desired, so generating different file paths for 4K and non-4K based on video resolution is straight-forward:


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Movies/UHD/Avatar (2009)/Avatar (2009).mkv

If you use the {plex} format then FileBot will organize files into a new standard file and folder structure, irregardless of how files were originally organized:

Code: Select all

Movies/Avatar (2009)/Avatar (2009).mkv

If you want to support different versions of a movie, then you will need to modify your custom format to generate unique file paths for each version:


Code: Select all

{ fn.match(/Alternate.Ending|Rogue.Cut/) }
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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