Strange issues with filename

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Axel Foley
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Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

Running Filebot 4.0 on my Synology NAS DS1812+.

First the requested info for every problem report:

Code: Select all

nas> filebot -script fn:sysinfo
FileBot 4.0 (r2104)
JNA Native: 4.0.0
MediaInfo: MediaInfoLib - v0.7.64
7-Zip-JBinding: OK
chromaprint-tools: fpcalc version 1.1.0 (/opt/usr/share/filebot/fpcalc)
Extended Attributes: DISABLED
Groovy Engine: 2.2.2
Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment 1.8.0 (headless)
32-bit Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Server VM
Linux (i386)
Done ?(@???@)?

Code: Select all

nas> filebot -script /volume1/shared/scripts/sortmedia.groovy -non-strict
Processing /volume1/shared/download/emule/movies
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [/volume1/shared/download/emule/movies/Un.Matrimonio.all.Inglese.(2008).1080p.BluRay.mkv]
[b]Exception: [MOVE] Unable to process any files[/b]
Done ?(@???@)?
I ran the same script since more than 1 year without any issue, and I keep Filebot updated using the ipkg package.

I tried debugging the problem, but I didn't find a log that would tell me what's happening.

In the end I tried renaming the file, stripping the dots, so the new filename would be: Un Matrimonio all'Inglese (2008) 1080p BluRay.mkv

After renaming I executed the script, and this time it worked. I then tried with other files and it seems that there's an issue with filenames, can't tell you exactly with which characters, because I only tested with 3-4 files.

The only thing I changed lately was that I moved to Java 8 (as you can see from sysinfo above); could that be the problem?

Thanks for the help,

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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by rednoah »

If you really an issue with the encoding on the filesystem interface level this may help:

Code: Select all

Though I guess this is not the issue. Also that's why the startup script sets LANG=en_US.utf8 so it should be fine.

I've tried and I guess the name just doesn't work, i.e. because of the missing ' in the query, the online search yields 0 results:

Code: Select all

Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [D:\workspace\testdata\AMC-TEST\Un.Matrimonio.all.Inglese.(2008).1080p.BluRay.mkv]
Exception: [TEST] Unable to process any files
It works after adding the ':

Code: Select all

Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [D:\workspace\testdata\AMC-TEST\Un matrimonio all'inglese.(2008).1080p.BluRay.mkv]
[TEST] Rename [D:\workspace\testdata\AMC-TEST\Un matrimonio all'inglese.(2008).1080p.BluRay.mkv] to [Easy Virtue (2008).mkv]
This one is bad luck. FileBot does reference it's own index that's much less error prone than TheMovieDB, but my index is English-only.

As far as I can tell, this is an issue for this very specific filename.
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Axel Foley
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

It happened also with 2 other files...that's why I didn't think about the index. :)

The error message led me to think about file permission issues or filename issues, not the fact that it didn't find the name querying TMDB. :)

How can I debug these issues? Is there an internal debug log that can be enabled so we can see what's happening?

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by rednoah »

Changed the error message a bit. But there is generally little you can do. Cause there is many factors that come into play and it's rare that all of them fail, so debugging which should work is a bit complicated.

If you have any issues just report them here. Send me the logs and paths and I may or may not be able to fix it.
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

So there's no way to log, for example, that the query to tvdb/tmdb/etc. returns no records? We should only rely on the error messages?

I hoped there was some kind of VERBOSE logging that could be enabled to check what's happening under the hood. :)

While we're at it: I use the ipkg package to install FileBot on my Synology, and there's a glitch on the creation of the symbolic link (ln -s), the installation aborts towards the end saying that the path doesn't exist, because it tries to create it (IIRC) in /usr/opt/share/bin.

Since it's one of the last steps of the installation, I simply create the link manually with these paths: /opt/bin/filebot -> /opt/usr/share/filebot/bin/ The annoying thing is that even if it works, when I install another IPKG package, the tool reminds me that filebot has not been installed correctly and complains. :)

Anyway thanks a lot for your amazing work.
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by rednoah »

Well, you can always use Fiddler to see the HTTP communication between FileBot and TheMovieDB:

(and don't forget to -clear-cache)

I'm sure there's some other headless debugging http proxies as well that just proxy and dump all the data that is pushed through.

PS: I've changed the ipkg paths for next release
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

I won't fiddle with that...since you're so responsive, if AND when I'll have problems I'll write a post here, it's simpler. :)

Regarding ipkg: thanks, but yesterday, reading one of your posts, I found out that in order to update FileBot to latest version I can simply wget the latest HEAD version from SF (FileBot.jar) from the NAS and replace the current one. I've already prepared a simple alias that updates the file when I need to so I don't have to fiddle with ipkg, symlinks, etc. :)

Now when I have time I'd like to study your AMC script, I always procrastinated this task because my simple script simply works...:)

I'm also looking forward for a specific package for Synology, I just discovered that thread yesterday, really great idea.

Thanks red, you've developed a magic tool...keep up the great job.

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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

Hi Red,

just uninstalled filebot ipkg on the nas and reinstalled using the new 4.1 ipkg. This time installation worked perfectly, paths are correct and symlinks are created fine.

With the same script (see attach in first post, sortmedia.groovy) run from CLI, I have the following error:

Code: Select all

MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.getFolders() is applicable for argument types: (Script1$_run_closure1) values: [Script1$_run_closure1@6379eb]
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.getFolders() is applicable for argument types: (Script1$_run_closure1) values: [Script1$_run_closure1@6379eb]
	at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.evaluate(
	at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.runScript(
	at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.process(
	at net.filebot.Main.main(
Failure (°_°)
With filebot 4.0 it worked perfectly.

Here's the output of sysinfo:

Code: Select all

FileBot 4.1 (r2245)
JNA Native: 4.0.0
MediaInfo: MediaInfoLib - v0.7.69
7-Zip-JBinding: OK
chromaprint-tools: fpcalc version 1.1.0 (/opt/share/filebot/fpcalc)
Extended Attributes: OK
Groovy Engine: 2.3.2
JRE: Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment 1.8.0 (headless)
JVM: 32-bit Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Server VM
OS: Linux (i386)
uname: Linux nas 3.2.40 #4482 SMP Fri Apr 18 16:52:51 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Thanks for everything,

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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by rednoah »

Your script is not compatible with the new script extensions. You'll need to fix it.

e.g. some extension methods only work on File objects now


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Code: Select all

new File("/path/to/files").getFolders()
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Axel Foley
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

Modified and worked perfectly. :)

Is there a what's new log on script extensions?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by rednoah »

Everything is new. No new features, but complete rewrite of the script extension system, so it should be similar, but not quite the same.
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Axel Foley
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Re: Strange issues with filename

Post by Axel Foley »

Thanks a lot.
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