New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

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New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

Post by therogeryoung »

Hey man, feels almost silly to spend a whole forum post on this, but Ive spent roughly six weeks looking everywhere and trying different permutations of workflows, but finally I have to ask... my movie collection workflow has changed radically because I was gifted an old 2006 G4 Mac Tower recently, with 12tb of RAID storage... but it now means I have to run Filebot on Lion, that's what I have to ask.

I know I had Filebot 4.8.5 working on Snow Leopard about three years ago but that machine sorta folded in on itself when I had to change file name permissions to run Plex (that was 2019, and I still haven't managed to get back that 140gigs of movies - I digress!

I am a license holder, so I'm not angling for a freebie here, but is there any chance you could send me a copy of 4.8.5 (I think its the one) or just point me in the direction of source files and instructions on how to compile... Would be super grateful yeah!

Hope the apocalypse is treating you well
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Re: New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

Post by rednoah »

Unfortunately, OS X 10.7 is not supported and has not been supported for quite a long time, or ever? Notably, PowerPC architecture has never been supported, since Java 8 only ever supported Intel x64 architecture. Also, Java 8 support is being sunset across all platforms, and has been sunset years ago on Mac platforms.

:arrow: You'll likely want to process files remotely via network shares from a slightly newer machine.
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Re: New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

Post by therogeryoung »

I don't quite understand how I had Filebot either 4.8.5 or 4.7.9 working on Snow Leopard, but cant get any version of it to work on Lion. I mean, I get the achitecture diffs between Power PC and Intell, but I have managed to get a version of Java 8 working.

Sunsetting aside, I am poor, paying for your licence this year meant not eating, literally, for four days. I did so because yours is the best of its kind. Which I had working on a previous OS to the one I wanted to run it on. From a version I DLd off this very platform. That version still surely exists in some form in your archive. I had Java 8/11 issues when I set the Snow Leopard version up on the Intel Macbook, and had Java issues when I moved most of the apps I needed on to the G5 tower / Lion - and so I constructed a workaround by angrily running every Java installer until one stuck, and one did stick - so Filebot 4.7.9 or 4.8.5 MIGHT JUST work on this set up, or it might not. But I don't have the luxury of being able to afford the fibre connection, and in this country to get fibre, or any connection, one has to provide a totally clean credit record, something I lost when my business partner ran off with the entire budget of my publicly funded film project, turned me into a de facto embezzler and tax dodger - a status I can do nothing to erase but wait for the 15 year statute of limitations to run out, and consigned me to living in hovels and surviving off handouts (i cannot legally work until the funding is paid back, the bank account it was paid into was in my name) - All I have in this world is my well catalogued film collection, I dont have the speed of network to process elsewhere and transfer across. I don't have the diskspace to leave my collection on the ubuntu machine, so my options are to use Filebot on Lion or abandon Filebot and turn to Kodi or Plex -which I really don't want to do.

Sure, there is a very very high chance it might not work, but cant we give it a good old college try, please.

Or if you can think of any other workaround I would be most grateful.

I have not managed to get a ethernet network to operate between Ubuntu on HP pc, and Ubuntu wont see any of my externals as RW because HFS+ and the Mac G5 wont see any of my NTFS externals as rw because I have to either pay Tuxera or Paragon. The networking suggestion would only work if I could construct a local network, but every tutorial and instruction manual I have followed has failed in some way.
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Re: New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

Post by rednoah »

Well, you can always go back in history and try older versions:

:!: I can assure you that I have never seen any of those running on a PowerPC machine though, because I have never owned or used a PowerPC machine.

:idea: If you have a working Java 8 runtime, then you can use any version of FileBot, including the latest revision. The *-jdk8.tar.xz package will work on any *nix machine including Mac OS.
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Re: New Server Set-Up Calls For Filebot to Run on OSX7,5_Lion

Post by therogeryoung »

Ah, fantastic man.

Ive also just realised I could use the Snow Leopard / Intel machine as a dedicated DL & Filebot device, feeding to the Lion PPC machine when asks are complete. It no longer has a functioning keyboad or USB ports, so I have to control it via onscreen keyboard, through remote desktop - lol and holey moley! but once it is set up I guess i can also make a script on the Lion machine to throw the magnet links to the SL/Intel as well, so I wont need to actually ever input through moue and/or keys, once I have it running...

Wish me luck!!!

and thank you, like a shit ton!
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