Unable to rename

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Unable to rename

Post by negativzeroe »

Hi, been using the program for a bit and it's pretty awesome. I can tag all my anime in one swoop, but I encountered a problem today. I was naming the anime Gintama, and it seems that season 4 just refuses to make changes. I have it in the format 1x01.mkv and it renamed seasons 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 no problem. Just season 4 does nothing. Thoughts?

EDIT: sorry forgot the info. Installed in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit non-portable, using the GUI.


Had this before, but once I hit Validate and Continue, it went through fine. For some reason it just stops here though.

EDIT 2: Launched the console, hoping to get a log for you, but for some reason that works...
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Re: Unable to rename

Post by rednoah »

You probably want to make sure that the output names are valid, i.e. not too long, contain no illegal characters, etc

Note that the "FileBot" shortcut uses the Windows Shell to perform rename operations. If you use "FileBot (console)" it'll use the Java rename functions which might be more reliable and impose less restrictions.

@see viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1961
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