Search found 102 matches
- 20 Aug 2021, 01:02
- Forum: Episode / Movie Naming Scheme
- Topic: Naming scheme lists and removing schemes
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7272
Naming scheme lists and removing schemes
So when I right-click match and then select 'Edit Format' it opens the window where I select which format I wish to use/edit. I have, currently, in my MOVIES section 7 formats. My question is can I delete OLD formats that I no longer will use? I don't see where they are stored (database file???) and...
- 20 Aug 2021, 00:31
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Issue with sorting a file...
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6547
Re: Issue with sorting a file...
I so totally missed that!!!! Makes so much sense as I read your post then look at what I have. Some stuff worked, some stuff didn't work. I looked and looked and looked and thus my post, because I simply couldn't see the issue. Another reason I always have another chef check my recipes I create to m...
- 19 Aug 2021, 03:26
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Issue with sorting a file...
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6547
Issue with sorting a file...
Here is my file format for movies: {n =~ 'P90X' ? 'M:/Workouts' : n =~ 'X-Rated' ? 'M:/Movies P' : fn =~ '3D' ? 'M:/Movies HD 3D' : vf == /2160p/ ? 'N:/Movies 4K' : vf =~ /1080p|720p/ ? 'S:/Movies HD 2' : 'M:/Movies'}/{n.upperInitial().colon(' - ').replace('?', '!')} {' (' + fn.matchAll(/swesub|kors...
- 07 Sep 2020, 01:07
- Forum: Help and Support
- Topic: Settings file location
- Replies: 9
- Views: 17176
Re: Settings file location
@rednoah, What are the keys for the settings in the windows 10 registry? I have to move mine to a new system (still have the old) and do NOT wish to try and come up with all the cool things I have set up already.. I will. But would rather just save the registry and load it into the new system... Greg
- 16 Mar 2020, 08:29
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
Yeah, I totally get that. I had never seen that crap used. Not sure why that page even exists. But if no one goes that deep into categorizing then I am certainly not going to worry about it. You answered the question....
- 15 Mar 2020, 02:44
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
Just ran into a file with a great number of SRT files. Many languages. This brought up a new question... and I'm guessing the answer is just as simple as eng-sdh but thought I would ask anyway. FYI, I do try to use 3 character language extensions whenever possible. eng instead of en, rus instead of ...
- 29 Feb 2020, 08:49
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
Yes, all of these will work: Got it. I did a few tests and it does in fact work perfectly. I just need to pay attention as it seems almost every SDH version of a .srt file is done as So I will just make sure to check and ...
- 28 Feb 2020, 23:28
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
I guess you could just match SDH (or any other arbitrary text pattern) from the file name: {subt}{'-'+fn.match(/SDH/)} :idea: Note that {subt} implicitly supports standard naming such as * , * , * but not * . OH!!! So it would handle it automaticall...
- 27 Feb 2020, 20:36
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
SDH subs are the sub files that contain extra information. Music Playing, Crowd Yelling, Thunder crashing far off, Boy Snickering, etc... These are the actual files for deaf people. So they can get context of the environment and know more of what is going on. They often also identify the speaker for...
- 27 Feb 2020, 16:55
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
I am back on this issue. This one is not a huge deal but I did notice that Filebot has never (at least for handled the SDH subs.. Am I missing something simple? Or, if not, can it be added as a updated feature soon? I am guessing it already does it but I have not sat and studied the coding...
- 28 Sep 2018, 20:13
- Forum: Help and Support
- Topic: POSTBUCKET - where random posts in unrelated topics go
- Replies: 1034
- Views: 698453
Re: How about sharing our format expressions?
I don't use MusicBrainz....sorry.
- 02 Sep 2018, 23:42
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: File length
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2578
Re: File length
Sorry if this seems rather long and boring....I'm trying to just make sure I have given you and others all the information I possibly can on this. I would agree about it being a Plex issue, except that anytime I tried to run the file directly in the system (double click to play) VLC would tell me th...
- 02 Sep 2018, 02:16
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: File length
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2578
File length
Didn't see this anywhere....sure it's somewhere cause I can't be the first person to think of this....but, How about a WARNING popping up if a file name LENGTH is going to violate the rules of the system Filebot is running on? I ran into this problem and didn't even catch it (months ago) until today...
- 09 Jul 2018, 01:40
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: TV Movies: TV? Movies? Both?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1657
TV Movies: TV? Movies? Both? I have more and more TV movies I am finding that I have to do some playing around to get them to work as I want them. Several of my situations follow: Made for TV movie - These are in MY opinion MOVIES!!!! However, some, especially old ones (70's, 80's) have issues. I know it's not the fault...
- 23 May 2018, 09:32
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
I was going to post this suggestion/question about a year ago...kept forgetting. LOL Since I just reran ALL my almost 3000 movies recently I was doing it again.... I just started re-encoding low quality movies to be better audio and video and ran into several that had 6-10 srt files each....which ma...
- 22 May 2018, 18:44
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Re: Feature request: SRT files
Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, when I think of how many hours I have spent HAND editing those files.. UGH!!! Works PERFECTLY!!!
- 21 May 2018, 22:44
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Feature request: SRT files
- Replies: 43
- Views: 32619
Feature request: SRT files
Would it be possible to have Filebot handle .srt files better? I have some files that have anywhere from 2-10 .srt files included. As it is, Filebot changes the name to the same as the movie (the way it should) but then rips off any country code associated with the file. Example: This movie.mp4 This...
- 21 May 2018, 21:25
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
Re: Filebot data location
What happens if you open CMD, cd into that folder, and then run this command? filebot -script fn:preferences --output . Ok... It all seems to be working now. Both that last code AND the script you had me create before. NOTE: The reason for the delay in getting back to you and maybe one reason it no...
- 04 May 2018, 22:26
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
- 03 May 2018, 18:44
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
Re: Filebot data location
I don't do much command line stuff anymore... back in the days of Windows 3.1 I was all about coding and working in the shell. I had so much control in there, my mom bought a really nice Mac computer....and since it didn't have that ability...I told her to get rid of it...and she did.. yeah, I was a...
- 02 May 2018, 22:48
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
Re: Filebot data location
Ok.. couldn't you also have the prefs/settings (Formats) save to a location of the users choice via button or even allow a setting of time. Save every X days? Format of the save wouldn't even matter as it would literally just be as a safety backup. If the app has to be restored at some point we coul...
- 29 Apr 2018, 20:45
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
Re: Filebot data location
So, the HISTORY at least could be dropped into the new install.....had I been able to save it before hand.. lol UGH! Odd to me seeing my history now at 7 files when it was over 33,000 a few weeks ago! lol Any chance on that EXPORT or SAVE feature?? For history, prefs, presets, and formats? Just curi...
- 28 Apr 2018, 07:23
- Forum: Windows
- Topic: Filebot data location
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9490
Filebot data location
I am looking for the file that keeps the format information. Of course, only if I can actually read it. If not, then the location won't matter. :) I had to re-install windows and Filebot lost all my work. One serious pain in the ass about installing via windows store...I can't tell it where to insta...
- 16 Apr 2018, 00:57
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Issues with rare TV shows
- Replies: 15
- Views: 6567
Re: Issues with rare TV shows
Just so others may know....file names with . instead of spaces work just fine in Filebot. I would say at least 95% of the files I rename use . between words. I don't understand this...drives me nuts, but for some odd reason (maybe it's a unix thing...) many people think it's the way to name files.. ...
- 15 Apr 2018, 20:07
- Forum: Feature Requests and Bug Reports
- Topic: Substitution file tweak
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1595
Substitution file tweak
Would it be possible to have substitution files follow a little different format? Currently you use 1 line for 1 sub. Couldn't 1 line be used for multiple subs ending in the same value? In other words: Current: Sub ; Result --------------------------- Not Rated; NR no rating; NR N.R.; NR New: Result...