Keep original folder name when copying

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Keep original folder name when copying

Post by excaliber »

I'm hoping that someone can help me with maybe a few tweaks. I have Filebot running, and it's great. What I'm trying to do is basically keep the original folder name when it copies over instead of renaming the folder to name and year just like the file. Kind of how it does if it goes to unsorted but rename file only. I've tried several different arguments, but there doesn't seem to be one I can find to keep the original folder name so I've settled with {fn} which is fine for most, if they format the name, but not all.

I'm also trying to copy the nfo file if there's one present like how it does with srt if present. The only info I could find to do this was to edit the jar to make Filebot think it's a disc so it copies all content. If I were to do this does that mean that it will copy everything though such as sfv etc. Didn't know if that's the case of is there's possibly a new updated function we could use to set this like exclude/include.

Is it also possible to add an argument when using the amc script so that only a certain db is used without labeling everything. For instance it'll only match to movies not anything tv, or it'll only match tv and not possibly match to a movie or anime.

Any help with any of these tweaks is greatly appreciated. Been tinkering and checking docs + posts for quite a few hours now, so figured I'd ask and hopefully someone might know. TIA
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Re: Keep original folder name when copying

Post by rednoah »

You can customise the output path by providing your own format. You may use {} if you want to keep the original folder name.

The amc script can generate NFO files for you. Thus it will not copy existing NFO files to make sure everything is coherent and machine readable.

Please read the manual. You're supposed to pass in labels for tv/movie/etc anyway, which then does what you want, and there's more of you keep on reading. ;)
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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