Move Files to Drive where Folder exits

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Move Files to Drive where Folder exits

Post by Elamania »

I am trying to ease up my renaming so that I don´t have to move all files manually....but I am not able to come up with an solution.

At the moment I am using:
{norm(primaryTitle)}{checkSeasonComplete()}{detectSpoken()=~/Ger/ ? " {German}" : null}{(source=~/BD|BluRay/) ? " {BD} " : null}
{if(norm(n)!=norm(primaryTitle)){if(norm(n).length()>=33){null}else{" ("+norm(n)+")"}}}
//checkSeasonCOmplete() returns "Incomplete" or null;

I have seen that rednoah provided an snipped to check if an Folder already contains, if not take the most free space drive.
How can I do the same thing, just that it stay´s on the same drive if there is no other folder?
And that with my Folder naming, described above.
Furthermore I guess it would name an Show "Incomplete" if I only add one file of that to Filebot, but already have everything else in an Folder on the other Drive, and so it doesn´t recognise that there is an Folder, how to overcome that?

Is there anything wrong with trim()? I am using it with norm(), but I always have an blank at the end of the Foldername.

aniDB has no Seasons.
But it has an Relations Attribute for Sequels/Prequels, etc. Is there an way to get that data and then make an symlink to the according Show?

And at last:
Let´s say the Show is complete. An part of the Series is from BD, other part isn´t.
At the moment it would make for that two folders, can I somehow say instead: If that happens make an Folder without "BD", but if the show is incomplete and everything is from BD add to "BD".
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