Halo Season 1 eps 1 thru 4 matched correctly.
Episodes 4, 5 and 6 hoever getting matched as 'allo 'allo
EDIT: Original files amed Halo S01E01 etc...
Issues matching show
Re: Issues matching show
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Assuming that the file that doesn't work is named Halo.1x06.mp4 and that you're trying to match it against TheTVDB in Airdate Order, here's what I get:
Please confirm that you get the same result for the same test case.
Assuming that the file that doesn't work is named Halo.1x06.mp4 and that you're trying to match it against TheTVDB in Airdate Order, here's what I get:
Code: Select all
$ filebot -rename *.mp4 --db TheTVDB -non-strict --action TEST --log INFO
[TEST] from [Halo.1x06.mp4] to [Halo - 1x06 - Solace.mp4]
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