Best method for keeping filename specific info

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Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by ByteShare »

I'm using a script like this for movies:

Code: Select all

{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {' CD'+pi} {fn.match(/(?i)Unrated/).replaceAll('(?i)Unrated','[UR]')} {fn.match(/(?i)\[UR\]/).replaceAll('(?i)UR','UR')} {fn.match(/(?i)DC/).replaceAll('(?i)DC','[DC]')} {fn.match(/(?i)ENG,JPN/).replaceAll('(?i)ENG,JPN','[ENG,JPN]')} {fn.match(/(?i)\[Comm\]/).replaceAll('(?i)Comm','Comm')} {fn.match(/(?i)Commentary/).replaceAll('(?i)Commentary','[Comm]')} {fn.match(/(?i)\[Rifftrax\]/).replaceAll('(?i)Rifftrax','Rifftrax')} {fn.match(/(?i)\[Doc\]/).replaceAll('(?i)Doc','Doc')}{'.'+lang}
My question is using the

Code: Select all

over and over the best method?
I was hoping for something like:

Code: Select all

or something?

I suppose it doesn't matter that much in terms of total length but it does add up.
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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by rednoah »

A few of those replacements could be better handled in a more generic way, and not by handling one by one pattern.

e.g. matching multiple patterns and adding [...] to each of them:

Code: Select all

{'[' + fn.match(/Rifftrax|Dic/).upperInitial() + ']'}
e.g. check if pattern is found, and then yield arbitrary value:

Code: Select all

{fn.match(/Commentary/); '[Comm]'}
e.g. upper-case all characters:

Code: Select all

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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by ByteShare »

Thank you for the ideas.
Using a text file: "Water Boyy (2015) [UR] [Comm] [Doc].txt"
I tried the following:

Code: Select all

{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {' CD'+pi} {'[' + fn.match(/Riff|Doc|UR|Comm/).upperInitial() + ']'}
Is sorta of the same problem I was already having with the pipes [Or: "|"], it is only matching the first thing and not doing all of them if they are in the filename.


Code: Select all

{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {' CD'+pi} {fn.match(/[\Comm\]/); 'Comm'}
I tried it with and without the "[\" around the match but with only the 'Comm' it only puts "Comm" without brackets and if I put it '\[Comm\]' I get an error with my syntax, and if I put just '[Comm]' it yields nothing.


Code: Select all

{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {fn.match(/\[(UR|DC)\]/).upper()}
This works as well, but like with A, it only matches one at a time.

Is there a way to match several things like in A and C but also keep the loop going to match more things.

I was hoping to take a file like "Water.Boyy.2015.Unrated.HEVC.1080p.Commentary.Documentary.txt" or "Water Boyy [UR] [Comm] [Doc].txt" (say missing the year because I did it manual a long time ago but keep my personalized info) and turn both into:
"Water Boyy (2015) [UR] [Comm] [Doc].txt"
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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by kim »


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

{fn.match(/[\Comm\]/); 'Comm'}

Code: Select all

{fn.match(/\[Comm\]/); 'Comm'}

Water.Boyy.2015.Unrated.HEVC.1080p.Commentary.Documentary or Water Boyy [UR] [Comm] [Doc]
both to
Water Boyy (2015) [UR] [Comm] [Doc]
use this

Code: Select all

{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {fn.matchAll(/Unrated|\[UR\]/)? '[UR]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Commentary|\[Comm\]/)? '[Comm]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Documentary|\[Doc\]/)? '[Doc]' : ''}
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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by ByteShare »

Thank you a ton. The difference between someone that knows what they're doing a me a monkey at a keyboard is a-mazing!
The matchAll is nice because it also matches different cases so I don't need to use (?i) in front of expressions.
My over all script went from 903 characters to 669, and I still have things to add, this will help a lot.
Thank you again.
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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by ByteShare »

Thank you all for the help again. Incase anyone wanted to see what I've come up with thus far with the help...

Code: Select all

.\{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {fn.matchAll(/\[(ENG|JPN|SPA|GER|RUS|CHI|ENG,JPN)\]/).toString().upper()} {fn.matchAll(/Commentary|\[Comm\]/)? '[Comm]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[Rifftrax]|\[Riff]/)? '[Riff]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Documentary|\[Doc\]/)? '[Doc]' : ''}/{n.upperInitial()} ({y}) {' CD'+pi} {fn.matchAll(/Unrated|\[UR\]/)? '[UR]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Directors Cut|Director's Cut|\[DC]/)? '[DC]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Theatre Cut|Theatrical Cut|Theatre Edition|Theatrical Edition|\[TC]/)? '[TC]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Extended Edition|\[Ext]|\[EE]/)? '[EE]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Special Edition|\[SE]/)? '[SE]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[(ENG|JPN|SPA|GER|RUS|CHI|ENG,JPN)\]/).toString().upper()} {fn.matchAll(/Commentary|\[Comm\]/)? '[Comm]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[Rifftrax]|\[Riff]/)? '[Riff]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Documentary|\[Doc\]/)? '[Doc]' : ''} {'.'+lang}
I know there is a way to handle the "Directors Cut" and "Director's Cut" I didn't notice it until just now.


Code: Select all

.\{n.replaceAll(/[?:.]+$/).replaceAll(/[`´???]/, "'") .upperInitial()} {fn.matchAll(/\[(ENG|JPN|SPA|GER|RUS|CHI|ENG,JPN)\]/).toString().upper()} {fn.matchAll(/Commentary|\[Comm\]/)? '[Comm]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[Rifftrax]|\[Riff]/)? '[Riff]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Documentary|\[Doc\]/)? '[Doc]' : ''}\{n.replaceAll(/[?:.]+$/).replaceAll(/[`´???]/, "'").upperInitial()} {episode.special ? '00x'+special.pad(2) : s.pad(2)+'x'+es*.pad(2).join('-')} {t.replaceAll(/[?:.]+$/).replaceAll(/[`´???]/, "'").upperInitial().replacePart(', Part $1')} {" "+fn.match(/\(Part \d+/)+")"} {fn.matchAll(/Unrated|\[UR\]/)? '[UR]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Extended Edition|\[Ext]|\[EE]/)? '[EE]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Directors Cut|Director's Cut|\[DC]/)? '[DC]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Special Edition|\[SE]/)? '[SE]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[(ENG|JPN|SPA|GER|RUS|CHI|ENG,JPN)\]/).toString().upper()} {fn.matchAll(/Commentary|\[Comm\]/)? '[Comm]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/\[Rifftrax]|\[Riff]/)? '[Riff]' : ''} {fn.matchAll(/Documentary|\[Doc\]/)? '[Doc]' : ''} {'.'+lang}
I'm very happy with my TV one being able to handle multipart episodes as well as special episodes at the same time.
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Re: Best method for keeping filename specific info

Post by ByteShare »

Thanks for the reply. I'm just seeing this.
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