Installing FileBot on Synology NAS

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Installing FileBot on Synology NAS

Post by rednoah »

FileBot now has its own Package Source so you can download and install FileBot conveniently from the Package Center like any other Synology package. ;)

⭑⭑ As of FileBot 4.9.4, the main package repository is now DSM 7.0 only. If you are using DSM 6.2.4, please switch to the second package repository. ⭑⭑

Add Package Source

Package Center ► Settings ► Package Sources ► Add ► Name: FileBot and Location:

DSM 7.0 and higher:

Code: Select all
DSM 6.2.4:

Code: Select all


This package will install the filebot command-line tools. You will be able to run filebot commands from the command-line via SSH.


FileBot Node

This package will install and run the FileBot Node web application. You will be able to execute, schedule and monitor amc script commands via a simple Synology DSM UI.



  • Disable your Ad Blocker for Synology DSM and FileBot Node.
  • You may need to adjust the Trust Level to allow installation of packages published by Any Publisher.
  • FileBot requires java. Please use the Java Installer package to install the latest OpenJDK binaries. DO NOT install the OpenJDK package provided by Synology.
  • FileBot Node requires node. You will need to install the latest Node.js package.
  • FileBot Node requires filebot. You will need to install both FileBot and FileBot Node.
  • Please read How to use FileBot Node to learn how FileBot Node and the filebot command-line tools are meant to be used.
  • If you process music, you need to install MediaInfo and Chromaprint.
  • If you use mediainfo bindings in your format, you need to install MediaInfo.
  • Running commands from the login shell is not the same as using Synology DSM Task Scheduler or cron because those tools may not initialize with ~/.profile so keep in mind that $PATH will be different.
  • filebot must not be run as root. Please run filebot as default admin user.

Package Permissions

DSM 6.2.4 and DSM 7.0 restrict file system access by default. FileBot Node may not be able to access your files unless you explicitly grant permission first.


Optional Features

If you want support for MediaInfo and AcoustID you will need to install the MediaInfo and Chromaprint packages from SynoCommunity. FFprobe can be installed via the official Media Server package.

Button Media Server: ffprobe is required for reading video / audio information from media files.

Button MediaInfo: is required for reading video / audio information from media files.

Button Chromaprint: fpcalc is required for computing acoustic fingerprints and matching music files with metadata.

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