Opensubtitle login error!

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Opensubtitle login error!

Post by iknowthealphabet92 »


I am kind new to this whole automation and scripting thing... I used plex subtitle fetch thing and it is so bad. so to solve this I am trying to fetch the subtitle before I make the final rename of the file, (which seems like it's not very important with the way filebot fetch subs)

anyway, I am running this for the login to opensubtitle

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:configure --log-file configure.log
and this is the log output

Code: Select all

401 Unauthorized
redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault: 401 Unauthorized
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.checkResponse(
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.invoke(
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient$OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit.invoke(
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.login(
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient.login(
	at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient$ Source)
	at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.evaluate(
	at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.runScript(
	at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.runScript(
	at net.filebot.Main.main(
Failure (°_°)

also I read somewhere that I can run the subtitle script without logging in. Here I am just trying it out.

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:suball "F:\Media\Unsorted Media\Unsorted Movies\The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) [1080p]" --lang en -non-strict --log-file suball.log
my file path is just to test it for now if it works i will change it to the whole unsorted files. this is the output

Code: Select all

Fetch subtitles for [F:\Media\Unsorted Media\Unsorted Movies\The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) [1080p]]
Get [English] subtitles for 1 files
Looking up subtitles by hash via OpenSubtitles
Lookup by hash failed: 401 Unauthorized
Looking up subtitles by name via OpenSubtitles
Search by name failed: 401 Unauthorized
No matching subtitles found: F:\Media\Unsorted Media\Unsorted Movies\The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) [1080p]\
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

I don't know how to include the sysinfo so i will include it here as a code too sorry if that's super inconvenient for you

Code: Select all

FileBot 4.7 (r4064)
JNA Native: 4.0.1
MediaInfo: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'mediainfo': Native library (win32-x86/mediainfo.dll) not found in resource path ([file:/C:/Program%20Files/FileBot/FileBot.jar])
7-Zip-JBinding: net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipNativeInitializationException: Failed to load 7z-JBinding: C:\Program Files\FileBot\7-Zip-JBinding.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform
Chromaprint: fpcalc version 1.1.0 (C:\Program Files\FileBot\fpcalc.exe)
Extended Attributes: OK
Groovy Engine: 2.4.7
JRE: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_91
JVM: 32-bit Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
CPU/MEM: 4 Core / 247 MB Max Memory / 12 MB Used Memory
OS: Windows 10 (x86)
Package: MSI
Data: C:\Users\Abdulhadi\AppData\Roaming\FileBot
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Any help will be really appreciated
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The Source
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Re: Opensubtitle login error!

Post by rednoah »

You have to log in. Are you sure that you are using the correct username and password when logging in? If OpenSubtitles still replies with "401 Unauthorized" then you may need to ask the OpenSubtitles people.

Try this for good measure:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:osdb.stats
Why are you using 32-bit Java on 64-bit Windows?
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Re: Opensubtitle login error!

Post by iknowthealphabet92 »

Thanks for the fast reply. I love this little app!!

Apparently, I had my caps lock on when i registered for opensubtitles XD

I am testing on parts of the bigger library now and keep finding this error

Code: Select all

Ignore [10 Cloverfield Lane (2016).mkv]: File creation date is too far in the past
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
I am using the same suball command but changing the path

Also I have another question since i fetch the subtitle before the renaming is there an easy way to keep the "" part of the subtitle name ?? so that Plex can easily recognize it ??

I tried the osdb.stats line u gave me and it spit out this warning i dont know if this is fine or maybe there is a bug here ??

Code: Select all

Jul 14, 2016 3:29:06 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init>
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.
limit_check_by = user_id
user_id = 4012643
global_24h_download_limit = 200
client_ip =
client_24h_download_count = 1
client_download_quota = 199
client_24h_download_limit = 200
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
thanks again for your awesome program saving me so much of my time
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Re: Opensubtitle login error!

Post by rednoah »

File creation date is too far in the past
By default, the suball script enforces many anti-abuse rules. If you can't figure out how to get around them by yourself then you're probably not supposed to. Good luck! ;)

Also I have another question since i fetch the subtitle before the renaming is there an easy way to keep the "" part of the subtitle name ?? so that Plex can easily recognize it ??
That's all in the format. What is your format? Does your format consider subtitles? HINT: {subt}
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Re: Opensubtitle login error!

Post by iknowthealphabet92 »

1. I understand why there has to be an anti-abuse rules, but I dont understand how to get around them XD... is it something to do with --def maxAgeDays and those other options?

I tried sitting it to 30 and it still does not work on stuff i downloaded yesterday?
it seems to me it is using file creation and not modification which means i cant fetch subs for old shows that i downloaded recently ?

anyway in my set up I wont abuse any thing since I will get subtitle in a folder and then do renames and move subtitle and movie file to another folder

2. Oh I see thanks for that tip it helped a lot now it works perfectly I just added the .{subt} to the naming format XD
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