MediaInfo Inspector

All about user-defined episode / movie / file name format expressions
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MediaInfo Inspector

Post by rednoah »

FileBot uses Icon MediaInfo to read properties like {vc}, {ac}, {channels}, {resolution}, etc from the container file. You can access any MediaInfo property directly via the {general}, {video}, {audio} and {text} bindings.

Icon Open FileBot ➔ Icon Edit Format ➔ Icon View Bindings ➔ Icon Select Media File ➔ Icon Open MediaInfo


e.g. get Title property from the general media properties:

Format: Select all

{ media.Title }

e.g. get Recorded_Date property from the general media properties and match the YYYY pattern:

Format: Select all

{ media.RecordedDate.match(/[0-9]{4}/) }

e.g. get the Format_Profile property from the first video stream:

Format: Select all

{ video[0].FormatProfile }

e.g. get the DisplayAspectRatio/String property from the first video stream:

Format: Select all

{ video[0].DisplayAspectRatioString }


:idea: Use the built-in MediaInfo Inspector to export raw MediaInfo properties for a selected file:

Icon Open FileBot ➔ Icon Edit Format ➔ Icon View Bindings ➔ Icon Open MediaInfo ➔ Copy to Clipboard

:idea: Use the mediainfo script to export raw MediaInfo properties for all your files:

Shell: Select all

filebot -script fn:mediainfo /path/to/files --mode raw

:idea: Use -mediainfo --format to test custom bindings on all your files:

Shell: Select all

filebot -mediainfo -r /path/to/files --format "{vc} | {ac} | {channels} | {resolution} | {duration} | {f}"

If you have issues with MediaInfo bindings such as {vc}, {ac}, {channels}, {resolution}, {duration}, etc, check the raw MediaInfo data to see what FileBot sees.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.