Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

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Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

Hi All

Some background...
I have used meta<browser/> for many years, but this still requires allot of manually work!
Trying Filebot and then finding out about Filebot Node running on my Synology was great news to me.
BUT - I do have a very strict naming convention, that I would like to keep.

So for now I would like to keep it simple, and try to see if I just can get the renaming and moving of files working using Filebot Node.
I just got everything installed and it finally works with every settings set to default! :mrgreen: .

My naming convention:
TV Shows
Babylon 5 (1994)\Season 01\ (<-- Double digits Season 01 number)
Babylon 5 - s01e01 - Midnight on the Firing Line.mkv (<-- Small letters 's' and 'e' using double digits)
Babylon 5 - s01e01 - Midnight on the Firing <-- (renaming 2 letter to 3 letter country code)
Babylon 5 - s01e01 - Midnight on the Firing
Babylon 5 - s01e01 - Midnight on the Firing
Babylon 5 - s01e01 - Midnight on the Firing Line.txt (<-- Renaming .nfo file to .txt)

Resident Evil Extinction (2007)\ (Using original movie name: Example: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon --> Wo hu cang long (org title IMDB) and also removing any special characters ':' no extra blank space or '-')
Resident Evil Extinction (2007) <-- (renaming 2 letter to 3 letter country code)
Resident Evil Extinction (2007)
Resident Evil Extinction (2007).dan.txt (<-- Renaming .nfo file to .txt)

So I used Filebot as a testing ground to get the above working with some help from rednoah :D ):

Code: Select all

Movies/{n.replace(':','')} ({y})/{n.replace(':','')} ({y}){'.'+lang}.{ext.replace('nfo', 'txt')}
(Only problem here is that if the nfo file isnt named excatly like the movie name then its left behind

Code: Select all

TV Shows/{plex[1]} ({y})/{plex[2]}/{n} - {episode.special ? 's00e'+special.pad(2) : s00e00.lower()} - {t.replaceAll(/[`´‘’?]/, /'/).replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}.{ext.replace('nfo', 'txt')}
Sofar this seem to work (Filebot only), but need to add more special characters - anyone have a full list? ;)

BUT when adding the above lines to Custom formats in Filebot Node then it doesn't work. I get this:

So it doesn't not use the Orig filename could this be because it uses [TheMovieDB] instead of IMDB?
and it doesn't rename or move the nfo --> txt

For the TV Show using NODE - it does not move or rename anything?
I thought if the string works on Filebot then it would also work on Filebot Node using the same string:

Any help is much appreciated, I know this might just be me being a Newbie to this. :|

Also how do I stop Filebot Node from looking for subtitles?
And could I save these setting by using one of these "Grovy" scripts people are talking about and then just point to the script?

This is a steep learning curve using Metabrowser but well worth it if I can get it running automatically

Thanks & regards
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

You can try the {primaryTitle} binding. That might give you the movie title you want by using it in your custom format.

Format expressions do work exactly the same in the GUI and in FileBot Node.

There is a subtitle language combo box that you can leave empty to disable subtitle support.
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

Just found I guess this is why it doesn't work with TV , can't use strict

Code: Select all

CmdlineException: Multiple options: Advanced auto-selection requires -non-strict matching
The movies are getting 2 x extension *.mkv.mkv , so how do I enable override extension on NODE?
This is working on Filebot and NOT on NODE so it must be the extension replacing?

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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

I see. Unfortunately, the command-line tools don't have an equivalent for the Extension: Override option that the GUI has, so it's not possible via FileBot Node.

You could change all the *.nfo to *.txt files using custom bash scripts though that you'd call after running the filebot command.
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

So close:
Anyway for it to get the Original Titel in "normal" letters? (I can see that the orig titel is listed)

So there is something Filebot can do that Filebot Node cant - extension replacement :cry: Maybe in a future release?
Untill then I will go back to Filebot and see if I can get it working

As always your help is much appriciated, any hint to how I can solve above problem?
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

Actually, the "extension replacement" is more likely to be killed in the Desktop app than to be added in the command-line tools.

Currently it's always set to normal mode, because too many users change to override mode, forget about it, and then complain that FileBot corrupts files. It's just bad publicity. ;)

On the command-line you don't really need it, because there's so many other automation options available that you can use to change extensions.

Where do you see the romanize / original title on TheMovieDB? Pretty sure they don't have a specific field for that.

You can use machine romanization but it won't always be perfect:

Code: Select all

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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

Ok I will have to remember not to update then :|
Since I think making your own script instead of using the nice UI, will cause more of an headache.
And pretty sure people would forget that to... ;)

No, in the beginning there wasn't really any MovieDB - IMDB was the standard so I have used that for local title, sort title, and org titel (Has never been wrong).
Guess Filebot doesn't use IMDB for anything, and I have seen MovieDB titles to be wrong from time to time, especially for local titles.

Maybe I should just run Metabrowser as a batch after FILEBOT between the two I might get everything :? with some manuel work though

Thanks for trying!
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

TheMovieDB may not be perfect, but you can help make it perfect because they allow you to add and edit the information. So if you notice any issue, I encourage you to go to TheMovieDB and fix them. ;)
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

Just found a small problem Filebot Node replaces ":" with "-" can I make it so it just removes the ":" because that is what Metabrowser does so it would be the same. Again thanks for a great tool - and please don't disable "owerwrite extension" I use it all the time! :-)
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

Yes, you just need to get rid of it in your format however you see fit.

If your format doesn't replace the : then FileBot will after applying your format. ;)
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by casperse »

Okay I need some help with this on :-). I would like:
Star Trek: Discovery (2017) --> Star Trek Discovery (2017)

but with Plex[1] I get: Star Trek - Discovery (2017)

P:/_TV/_FileBot_FIXED/{plex[1]} ({y})/{plex[2]}/{n} - {episode.special ? 's00e'+special.pad(2) : s00e00.lower()} - {t.replaceAll(/[`´‘’ʻ]/, /'/).replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}.{ext.replace('nfo', 'txt')}
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Re: Filebot Node replacing meta<browser/>

Post by rednoah »

If you want your own custom replacement for : colon then you can't use the {plex} binding. You could try something like {ny} instead and do your own custom replacement if necessary.
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