Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Any questions? Need some help?
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Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Post by PlaceyAUS »

When CMD Line the Anime is being picked up as a Movie.
It seems to have a choice between the series and a movie and goes the movie every time even if its totally a different name. I am trying to keep the Anime as absolute order as TheTVDB sorts it well through Kodi.

Here is my script:
filebot -script fn:amc --output "E:/MediaFiles" --log-file amc.log --action copy --conflict override -non-strict --def minFileSize=0 --def minLengthMS=300000 --def unsorted=y --def xbmc=Games,SERVER,KODI-PC,XBMC-PC,SHED-PC,GUESTROOM-PC,KODI-SHED,BLAKE-PC --def plex=Server:xxJPkHUqiu6i9oN4LKLA --def music=y subtitles=en artwork=n --def "movieFormat=Movies/{ny}{' '+fn.match(/3D.H.SBS|3D.H-SBS|3D.HSBS|3D.TAB|3D.SBS/)}{' ('+vf+')'}/{ny}{' '+fn.match(/3D.H.SBS|3D.H-SBS|3D.HSBS|3D.TAB|3D.SBS/)}{' ('+vf+')'}{' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" --def "seriesFormat=TV Shows/{n}/Season {s.pad(2)}/{n} - {s00e00} - {t} [{vc}] {' ('+vf+')'}" --def "animeFormat= --db TVDB Anime/{n}/E{absolute.pad(2) [{vc}] {' ('+vf+')'}" "ignore=UFC" "E:/MediaFiles/Unsorted"

Some times it would just skip the file as it was attempting to put it in the unsorted folder anyway.
I am assuming it is my script that is at fault in this case, 5 hours of tweaking and am no closer.

Locking C:\Users\Todd\AppData\Roaming\FileBot\logs\amc.log
Run script [fn:amc] at [Sat Mar 24 23:36:50 AEST 2018]
Parameter: minFileSize = 0
Parameter: minLengthMS = 300000
Parameter: unsorted = y
Parameter: plex = *****
Parameter: music = n
Parameter: subtitles = en
Parameter: artwork = n
Parameter: movieFormat = Movies/{ny}{' '+fn.match(/3D.H.SBS|3D.H-SBS|3D.HSBS|3D.TAB|3D.SBS/)}{' ('+vf+')'}/{ny}{' '+fn.match(/3D.H.SBS|3D.H-SBS|3D.HSBS|3D.TAB|3D.SBS/)}{' ('+vf+')'}{' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}
Parameter: seriesFormat = TV Shows/{n}/Season {s.pad(2)}/{n} - {s00e00} - {t} [{vc}] {' ('+vf+')'}
Parameter: animeFormat = --db TVDB Anime/{n}/E{absolute.pad(2) [{vc}] {' ('+vf+')'}
Parameter: ignore = UFC
Argument[0]: E:\MediaFiles\Unsorted
Ignore hidden: E:\MediaFiles\Unsorted\desktop.ini
Input: E:\MediaFiles\Unsorted\Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv
xattr: [Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv] => [Claymore - 01 - Great Sword]
Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv [series: Claymore, movie: Great! (1986)]
Exclude Series: Claymore
Group: [tvs:null, mov:great 1986] => [Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv]
Get [English] subtitles for 1 files
CmdlineException: OpenSubtitles: Please enter your login details by calling `filebot -script fn:configure`
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
Auto-detect movie from context: [E:\MediaFiles\Unsorted\Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv]
[COPY] From [E:\MediaFiles\Unsorted\Claymore - E01 - Great Sword.mkv] to [E:\MediaFiles\Movies\Great! (1986) (480p)\Great! (1986) (480p).mkv]
Processed 1 files

Need some help, :D love yas.
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Re: Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Post by PlaceyAUS »

I think I worked it out, it seems the episode name is interfering with the naming scheme.
As long as the episode name is not their it seems to work OK.
If their is a modification to the script I could do to make it only look at the name and episode number and not the rest when sorting that would be handy.

Thanks for anyone who wishes to help out.
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Re: Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Post by PlaceyAUS »

The other issue is most Anime is being picked up as TV Shows and not put in Anime folder.
Again thanks to anyone willing to correct my bad scripting.
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Re: Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Post by rednoah »

Best to use --def ut_label to force Anime / TV Show / Movie mode if your files are weird.

Here's some docs on how Anime detection works:
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Re: Anime Episodes being detected as Movies.

Post by PlaceyAUS »

Cheers rednoah, Thanks for the advice.
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