Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

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Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by deadspatula »

I have a Synology DSM218+ and I am trying to automate renaming and sorting my media for my Plex Server.

I was impressed with FileBot Node's output with movies and purchased a license, but have run into issues with TV series. Mixed results with matching. It seems to be great 90% of the time, but those 10% go off the rails

So i tried implementing strict mode. My first dry run I found that if it had issues with one series, it dumped the entire run into unsorted and did nothing.

I then Tried to remove ambiguous series and add a renaming scheme for unsorted, but then it failed if I had an ambiguous series remaining, probably because of the renaming scheme.

At this point, I don't think I can effectively use Filebot Node to name and move my Television media. Even with well named files, I hit a bunch of errors. So I am looking into having to use the Filebot GUI on another computer, probably a laptop that I can wire into the network. I've read vague mentions that I can fix this issue via that program. But that lead to a question.

Can I use FBN to automatically sort files natively on my Synology, and then work with the FB GUI on my windows laptop to address problem files, or would I need to manage it entirely through the FB GUI?

Or should I work with the helpful folks here who better understand how to work the program to try to quash my matching issues?
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Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by rednoah »

No idea. I don't know if there's a universal answer for the case by case problems you describe.

I'd need to look at the logs and see what files are mismatched to see if there's a way to make them not mismatch:

:idea: Generally speaking, the Desktop app is absolutely the way to go if you need any kind of human intervention or supervision.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by deadspatula »

Thank you for the reply, which confirms what I had concluded. Handling just TV content via the desktop app isn't too bad, and most of it still works well, the big issue just being the added network overhead of the data being moved by the program on the second device when the data starts and ends on the NAS.

I think some of my issues might be fixed by using filters on a per series basis (Node always matches episodes of the original ReBoot to the 2015 series when possible so perhaps an age >= 1825 days would fix the issue), but that isn't really Node's use case, as you have noted here and elsewhere. I think Node's designed use case is not what I am doing. I still very much like FileBot, and thank you for all your hard work.
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Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by rednoah »

If you could post logs and / or file paths of the mismatches, then I could have a look and see if there's a smart way to deal with them.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by deadspatula »

As an example, here is the output related to Reboot specifically:

Code: Select all

filebot -script 'fn:amc' /volume1/Television --output '/volume2/Plex Content' --action TEST -non-strict --order Airdate --conflict index --lang en --def 'ut_label=TV' 'skipExtract=y' 'minLengthMS=300000' 'minFileSize=0' 'seriesFormat={plex}' 'movieFormat={plex}' 'unsortedFormat={plex}' 'excludeList=.excludes' --log all --log-file '/volume2/@appstore/filebot-node/data/filebot.log'


Locking /volume2/@appstore/filebot-node/data/filebot.log
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7$1 (file:/volume2/@appstore/filebot/jar/groovy.jar) to constructor java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup(java.lang.Class,int)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Run script [fn:amc] at [Wed Jun 12 09:42:55 PDT 2019]
Parameter: ut_label = TV
Parameter: skipExtract = y
Parameter: minLengthMS = 300000
Parameter: minFileSize = 0
Parameter: seriesFormat = {plex}
Parameter: movieFormat = {plex}
Parameter: unsortedFormat = {plex}
Parameter: excludeList = .excludes
Argument[0]: /volume1/Television
Use excludes: /volume2/Plex Content/.excludes (1)
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/@eaDir
Ignore hidden: /volume1/Television/.DS_Store
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/@eaDir
Ignore hidden: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/.DS_Store
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/@eaDir
Ignore hidden: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 04/.DS_Store
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 04/@eaDir
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/@eaDir
Ignore system path: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/@eaDir
Ignore hidden: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/.DS_Store
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e1.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e2.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e3.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e4.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e5.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e6.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e7.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e8.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e1.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e10.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e11.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e12.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e13.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e2.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e3.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e4.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e5.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e6.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e7.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e8.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e9.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e1.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e10.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e2.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e3.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e4.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e5.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e6.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e7.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e8.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e9.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e1.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e10.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e11.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e12.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e13.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e2.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e3.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e4.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e5.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e6.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e7.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e8.m4v
Input: /volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e9.m4v
Group: [Series:true] => [ReBoot S04e1.m4v, ReBoot S04e2.m4v, ReBoot S04e3.m4v, ReBoot S04e4.m4v, ReBoot S04e5.m4v, ReBoot S04e6.m4v, ReBoot S04e7.m4v, ReBoot S04e8.m4v, ReBoot S01e1.m4v, ReBoot S01e10.m4v, ReBoot S01e11.m4v, ReBoot S01e12.m4v, ReBoot S01e13.m4v, ReBoot S01e2.m4v, ReBoot S01e3.m4v, ReBoot S01e4.m4v, ReBoot S01e5.m4v, ReBoot S01e6.m4v, ReBoot S01e7.m4v, ReBoot S01e8.m4v, ReBoot S01e9.m4v, ReBoot S02e1.m4v, ReBoot S02e10.m4v, ReBoot S02e2.m4v, ReBoot S02e3.m4v, ReBoot S02e4.m4v, ReBoot S02e5.m4v, ReBoot S02e6.m4v, ReBoot S02e7.m4v, ReBoot S02e8.m4v, ReBoot S02e9.m4v, ReBoot S03e1.m4v, ReBoot S03e10.m4v, ReBoot S03e11.m4v, ReBoot S03e12.m4v, ReBoot S03e13.m4v, ReBoot S03e2.m4v, ReBoot S03e3.m4v, ReBoot S03e4.m4v, ReBoot S03e5.m4v, ReBoot S03e6.m4v, ReBoot S03e7.m4v, ReBoot S03e8.m4v, ReBoot S03e9.m4v]
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [ReBoot]
Fetching episode data for [ReBoot]
Fetching episode data for [Reboot (2015)]
Fetching episode data for [Reality Reboot]
Fetching episode data for [ReBoot: The Guardian Code]
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read media encoding date: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e1.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E01 - Daemon Rising.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e2.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E02 - Cross Nodes.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e3.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E03 - What's Love Got To Do With It.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e4.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E04 - Sacrifice.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e5.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E05 - My Two Bobs.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e6.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E06 - Life's a Glitch.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e7.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E07 - Null-Bot of the Bride.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/ReBoot S04e8.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 04/ReBoot - S04E08 - Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e1.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E01 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e10.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E10 - The Great Brain Robbery.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e11.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E11 - Talent Night.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e12.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E12 - Identity Crisis.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e13.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E13 - Identity Crisis.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e2.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E02 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e3.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E03 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e4.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E04 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e5.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E05 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e6.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 01/Reboot (2015) - S01E06 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e7.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E07 - The Crimson Binome.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e8.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E08 - Enzo the Smart.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot S01e9.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 01/ReBoot - S01E09 - Wizards, Warriors and a Word from Our Sponsor.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e1.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E01 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e10.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot - S02E10 - Web World Wars.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e2.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E02 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e3.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E03 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e4.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E04 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e5.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E05 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e6.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E06 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e7.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E07 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e8.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/Reboot (2015)/Season 02/Reboot (2015) - S02E08 -.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot S02e9.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 02/ReBoot - S02E09 - Trust No One.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e1.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E01 - To Mend and Defend.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e10.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E10 - The Edge of Beyond.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e11.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E11 - Web Riders on the Storm.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e12.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E12 - Mousetrap.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e13.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E13 - Megaframe.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e2.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E02 - Between a Raccoon and a Hard Place.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e3.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E03 - Firewall.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e4.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E04 - Game Over.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e5.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E05 - Icons.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e6.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E06 - Where No Sprite Has Gone Before.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e7.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E07 - Number 7.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e8.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E08 - The Episode with No Name.m4v]
[TEST] from [/volume1/Television/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot S03e9.m4v] to [/volume2/Plex Content/TV Shows/ReBoot/Season 03/ReBoot - S03E09 - The Return of the Crimson Binome.m4v]
Processed 44 files
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

[Process completed]
We can see that for seasons 1 and 2, episodes 1-10 were matched to the new series. But given that series naming conflicts are only one of my issues (Not knowing if the content I have acquired is airdate order or dvd order, inconsistent naming, ect), I am not surprised if I will need to do more manual work overall.
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The Source
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Location: Taipei

Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by rednoah »

Thanks I'll add it to my test data. This one is bad luck, FileBot can't differentiate at all, and so it's effectively random, decided by random (in this case) useless markers such as airdate being defined or not, or more or less recent or not, or file paths being ever so slightly more or less similar.

:!: If you have different shows with different sort order, e.g. Firefly DVD order, then you definitely need to use the GUI, and carefully double check matches before renaming.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2019, 17:31

Re: Determining the best approach to use FileBot with Television media?

Post by deadspatula »

Yeah. That is what I was thinking. Thank you for all the help!
Post Reply