Preferences (Presets) Missing After Switching From App Store (MAS) Version

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Preferences (Presets) Missing After Switching From App Store (MAS) Version

Post by undefined »


This is yet another post about missing presets. But I have read the other posts, and so far nothing is working.

My assumption is that the switch from sandboxed app to non-sandboxed app (via Homebrew) results in the prefs being relocated out of the `container`.

The sandboxed prefs file location:

Code: Select all

And indeed, I can see that my preferences and presets are there in the file, and the modified date for that file looks to be about the last time I would have made a change. Perfect.

So, I've quit the app, and copied the aforementioned file to:

Code: Select all

... thereby replacing the file that was already there. However, once I start the app again, it doesn't seem to pick up these changes.

Yes, I do have the preferences.backup.xml and history.xml files, both located in:

Code: Select all

~/Library/Containers/net.filebot.FileBot/Data/Library/Application Support/User Data
However there is no equivalent filebot directory in ~/Library/Application Support, so I'm unsure about where to move those (and I haven't quite looked into how to import them yet).


Since your reputation precedes you :D ... yes, I should have a backup right here in the forum where everyone can benefit from my particular setup. Fair enough.

  • Moves the file up one level (out of the directory you ripped it into).
  • Creates an "Author/BookName (Year)" folder and subfolder, moving the file into that.
  • Replaces colons with dashes for compatibility with MacOS
  • Renames the audio file to the book name with "(Read by AuthorName)"
  • Or something like that.

Code: Select all

../{artist}/{album.replace(":", " - ")} ({y})/{i.pad(2)}. {n.replace(":", " - ")} (Read by {n})

Note: I have Hazel set up to remove any non-English srt files and do some other cleanup prior to running filebot.
  • Moves the file up one level (out of the directory you ripped it into).
  • If the movie is part of a collection (e.g. James Bond), that directory is created first, otherwise, no sub-directory is created.
  • The words "Collection" and "The" are removed from the collection name.
  • The file is named for the movie title, followed by "(year. 1080p)" ... or whatever the quality of the video is.
  • Replaces colons with dashes for compatibility with MacOS
  • If the file type is srt, then the file extension is replaced with "" and the file name matches the movie file name. This way the same preset actually gets used for both filetypes, which is super nice.
  • Or something like that. I think for the Bond series I also set it to get the first billed cast member and append it after the year. But I don't have that one written down anywhere.

Code: Select all

{self.collection ? collection.replace(' Collection', '').replace('The ', '') + '/' : '../'}{n.replace(":", " - ")} ({y}. {vf}){ext=='srt' ? ".en" : ''}
# ../James Bond/You Only Live Twice (1922. 720p).mp4
That's all I got. TIA for any help.
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Re: Preferences (Presets) Missing After Switching From App Store (MAS) Version

Post by rednoah »

You can import your prefs like so:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:preferences /path/to/preferences.backup.xml

The history can be imported via the GUI.

Alternatively, copying those files into the app data folder will do the job as well. Run filebot -script fn:sysinfo to let FileBot tell you where the app data folder is. ;)
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