HDD Crash, Reinstall Docker Licence error

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HDD Crash, Reinstall Docker Licence error

Post by mnm1501 »

I had a HDD crash on my server & lost my docker image, I have rebuilt it & tried applying the licence by cut & pasting it via the Rename button, I keep on getting a Bad Licence Key: PGP Signed Message not found. I raised a ticket with Paddle last Fri but nobody has got back to me from Filebot.
Can you please respond
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Re: HDD Crash, Reinstall Docker Licence error

Post by rednoah »

:?: What does the log say? Please read How to Request Help.

:idea: Bad Licence Key: PGP Signed Message suggests that the text you have copied & pasted is not a license key. The log will tell us what exactly you have pasted.

rednoah wrote: 14 Aug 2018, 07:21 Screenshot

:idea: You may Select & Copy the License Key text and then click on Paste License Key in the FileBot application when prompted to activate FileBot.

:idea: Please select the entire text in the grey text area under License Key (including BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE at the very top and including END PGP SIGNATURE at the very bottom). Your License Key is the entire text in the License Key text field and includes both human-readable and gibberish text sections.
:arrow: https://www.filebot.net/activate.html
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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