Unable to run fn:mediainfo script on DS218play (--mode raw to pregenerate mediainfo)

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Unable to run fn:mediainfo script on DS218play (--mode raw to pregenerate mediainfo)

Post by WillK0 »

Following finding this thread > https://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12022 - thanks @Rednoah

I have disabled xattr using the following command:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:properties --def net.filebot.xattr.store=.xattr
Having an issue running the following command:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:mediainfo "/path/of/files/to/process/" --mode raw
The error is as follows:

Code: Select all

# MediaInfoLib - v21.09
No signature of method: net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo.openViaBuffer() is applicable for argument types: (File) values: [/volume1/KnightNAS4TB/Movies/2 Days in Paris (2007) [tmdbid-1845]/2 Days in Paris (2007).avi]
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo.openViaBuffer() is applicable for argument types: (File) values: [/volume1/KnightNAS4TB/Movies/2 Days in Paris (2007) [tmdbid-1845]/2 Days in Paris (2007).avi]
        at __script_fbd8297ef76aff63ef075c4cd14d971c_3c0$_run_closure2.doCall(__script_fbd8297ef76aff63ef075c4cd14d971c_3c0:10)
        at __script_fbd8297ef76aff63ef075c4cd14d971c_3c0.run(__script_fbd8297ef76aff63ef075c4cd14d971c_3c0:8)
        at net.filebot.GroovyEngine.eval(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.evaluate(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.runScript(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.runScript(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.run(Unknown Source)
        at net.filebot.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Here's my sysinfo:

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FileBot 5.0.3 (r9760)
JNA Native: 6.1.4
MediaInfo: 21.09
Tools: fpcalc/1.5.1 7z/16.02 unrar/5.70
Extended Attributes: OK
Unicode Filesystem: OK
Script Bundle: 2023-08-02 (r923)
Groovy: 4.0.11
JRE: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 17.0.7
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
JAVA_OPTS: -Xmx1024m
CPU/MEM: 4 Core / 1.0 GB Max Memory / 29 MB Used Memory
OS: Linux (aarch64)
HW: Linux KnightNAS4TB 4.4.302+ #64570 SMP Tue Jun 13 21:39:26 CST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux synology_rtd1296_ds218play
CPU/MEM: : ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l) / MemTotal: 674 MB / MemFree: 117 MB / MemAvailable: 122 MB / SwapCached: 19 MB / SwapTotal: 2.1 GB / SwapFree: 1.6 GB
STORAGE: ext4 [/] @ 1.1 GB | ext4 [/volume1] @ 360 GB | nfs [/volume1/homes/Knight8TB] @ 4.0 TB
UID/GID: uid=1026(Will_K0) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),101(administrators)
DATA: /var/packages/filebot/var/data/1026
Package: SPK
Activate License [PX48540548] on [Fri Aug 04 08:29:20 BST 2023]
License: FileBot License PX48540548 (Valid-Until: 2073-04-03)
Thanks in advance for any light you can shine :-)
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Re: Unable to run fn:mediainfo script on DS218play

Post by rednoah »

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FileBot 5.0.3 (r9760)
:idea: You are using FileBot r9760.

rednoah wrote: 13 Aug 2020, 16:33 (requires FileBot r9905) :idea: If you have configured .xattr folders then you may want to run the mediainfo script on the server-side to rapidly parse media information for local files and then store it to xattr ahead of time, so that remote clients can then instantly access mediainfo without reading any media file contents:

Shell: Select all

filebot -script fn:mediainfo /input --mode raw
:idea: This feature is a relatively recent addition and requires FileBot r9905 or higher. Please do try the latest revision and let us know how it goes. Please read Latest Beta Revisions and Release Candidates for how to install and run the latest revision.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Re: Unable to run fn:mediainfo script on DS218play

Post by WillK0 »

Ah thanks rednoah, can't believe how responsive and quick you are to get about stuff on this forum, especially if you are just one person, pretty much unparalleled level of customer / user support which is partly what made me happy to buy my license! :-)

Will try the latest revision and get back to you.
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