Need help removing the tmdb number from the plex format?

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Need help removing the tmdb number from the plex format?

Post by Vyle80r »

I use Plex and I have been using Filebot to organize my libraries of films and tv shows. It's been great. This really is a great program and worth every penny.

I've renamed over 6K files with Filebot using the Plex format for TV and the Plex format for films. I only made one alteration to the script for TV shows to pad episodes and seasons with 2 digits. It was long ago and has worked ever since.

For some reason, when naming films with Plex format it is inserting the tmdb number in the filename. I didn't alter it and it just started early today. Could anyone help me get that out of there? I'd appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance for any assistance and thanks for this very handy program.
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Re: Need help removing the tmdb number from the plex format?

Post by rednoah »

:?: What format are you using?

:idea: If you use {} then you will get file paths with ID markers. If you use {plex} then you will not get ID markers. Nothing has changed here. That said, if you're naming files for Plex then {} is strongly recommended.

:arrow: Please read the {plex} format manual and the How do I organize files for Plex? guide for details.

:idea: Are we talking about the amc script by any chance? In this case, you'll want to read the console output, since the default formats (specific to the amc script; unrelated to the Desktop application) have changed from {plex} to {} some time ago:

Code: Select all

[PSA] Important Discussion of Changes effective as of 28 Apr 2023:
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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