e.g. use
Plain File Mode to remove trailing
" - 32808360-0" patterns:
Console Output: Select all
$ filebot -rename *.mkv --db file --format '{ fn.removeAll(/\s-\s\d+-\d+$/) }'
Rename files using [Plain File]
Stripping invalid characters from the output file path: To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid - S01E04 - Cocaine CEO.mkv
[MOVE] from [To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid - S01E04 - Cocaine CEO - 32808360-0.mkv] to [To Catch a Smuggler Madrid - S01E04 - Cocaine CEO.mkv]

-unixfs if you want to keep
: colon characters. Please read
Target Unix Filesystem for details.
To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid is not a valid series name. There is no such series. Episode
"Cocaine CEO" does not exist in the database. This file name cannot possibly work with Plex, Kodi, etc because the file name fundamentally does not make sense according to online database information. Kodi might display the file name as-is but certainly won't be able to link it to online database information.
This is the reason why this file cannot be identified. The numbers at the end of the file name notably are not the reason and removing the numbers will not make the file identifiable.
{fn} is the current file name.
{fn} will give you the current file name whatever it may be.
--db xattr is for processing files based on existing
xattr metadata. This does
not seem to be what you are trying to do. Please read
Re-organize previously organized files using local xattr metadata for details.
-script fn:watcher is for
monitoring folders for changes and processing files as they come in. This does
not seem to be what you are trying to do. You'll want to do a one-off rename operation.

You may prefer to just use the FileBot Desktop application.
Plain File Mode works best in the Desktop application because you'll want to use the
Format Editor to prototype your format, and preview all the rename operations.